Release ResolutionsThe following table lists the issue, description, and the solution or workarounds for the DR4000/DR4100 system Issue Description Workaround/Solution16083 Unit comes up in an errorstate due to additional PSsensors that are discoveredwith newer iDRAC FW.DR4100 unit may come up in an error statedue to an issue with the total number ofpower supply sensors being detected.This was caused by a new version of theiDRAC FW which discovered additionalsensors.Corrected the issue in theHardware Monitor code.15795 There is no messageinstructing user to upgradethe Client OST plugin whenDR4X00 FW is upgraded.Added messaging to the UI so that duringthe upgrade the user is told to alsoupgrade the OST plugin if OST is beingused.Added messaging to inform theuser to upgrade the plug also.15695 GUI "Usage" page doesn'tshow any stats graphs in aspecial case.If the client machine and the DR are not inthe same timezone, then the usagegraphs may not show the stats for someperiod.We now use the timezone of theserver rather than the clientrunning the browser.15275 Windows OST plug-in installfails on a DC.Installing the OST plug-in on a DC fails. The code now supports this option.15067 Handle the ‘.’ as part of theNETBIOS name.Domain join to the AD domain controller isok but access to DR4000 share fails.Handle/allow '.' in NETBIOS name.Access from windows client\administrator.smb.conf: workgroup =TEST.COM realm = ad.test.comadministrator@swsys-84 >authenticate --show Login\domain usersadministrator@swsys-84 >Corrected the code path to allow '.'for domain login groups.14959 System didn't come tooperational state afterupgrade due hardwaremonitor failing to start.Intermittently after an upgrade the unitdoes not come into an operational stateand remained in maintenance mode.Added code to check the status ofthe SNMPD before starting thehardware monitor which resolvesthis issue.14957 Support bundles can belarge. We need to supportoptions to gather morespecific info in these specialsituations.Add following new options for diagnosticscollection.• --logs — Collect only logs andsystem configuration.• —cores —Collect only cores• --auto_diags <#> —Collect only specified number ofprevious auto diagnostics.diagnostics --help collectUsage:diagnostics --collect[--name ][--reason ][--force] [--dset]12