Power Button LED State DescriptionSolid Amber The second state of the LED at power up, indicates that thePOWER_GOOD signal is active and it is probable that the powersupply is fine.Solid White System is in S0 state. This is the normal power states of afunctioning machine. The BIOS will turn the LED to this states toindicate it has started fetching op-codes.Table 19. Diagnostic Indicator tableState State Name Power Light: AmberBlinking Amber BlinkingPattern Problem Description SuggestedResolution- - 2, 1 2 blinks followed by ashort pause, 1 blink,long pause, thenrepeatsFaulty System board To troubleshoot theissue with systemboard, contact Techsupport.- - 2, 2 2 blinks followed by ashort pause, 2 blinks,long pause, thenrepeatsBad system board,Power Supply orPower Supplycabling• If you can assistto troubleshoot,narrow down theissue with PSUBIST Test, reseatcable.• If nothing works,contact TechSupport- - 2, 3 2 blinks followed by ashort pause, 3 blinks,long pause, thenrepeatsBad system board,Memory orProcessor• If you can assistto troubleshoot,narrow down theissue byreseatingmemory andswapping aknown goodmemory ifavailable.• If nothing works,contact TechSupport- - 2, 4 2 blinks followed by ashort pause, 4 blinks,long pause, thenrepeatsBad coin cell battery • If you can assistto troubleshoot,narrow down theissue byswapping aknown good coincell battery ifavailable.• If nothing works,contact TechSupportS1 RCM 2, 5 2 blinks followed by ashort pause, 5 blinks,long pause, thenrepeatsBIOS ChecksumFailure • System is inRecovery Mode.• Flash latest BIOSversion. Ifproblem persists,contact TechSupportTroubleshooting 97