Light Pattern Problem Description Troubleshooting StepsDiagnostic LEDs Power Button LEDproblem is with thepower supply.Memory modules aredetected, but a memorypower failure has occurred.• If two or morememory modulesare installed,remove themodules, then re-install one moduleand re-start thecomputer. If thecomputer startsnormally, continueto install additionalmemory modules(one at a time) untilyou have identifieda faulty module orreinstalled allmodules withouterror. If only onememory module isinstalled, try movingit to a differentDIMM connectorand re-start thecomputer.• If available, installverified workingmemory of the sametype into yourcomputer.A possible CPU or systemboard failure has occurred.Replace the CPU with aknown good CPU. If thecomputer still fails to boot,inspect the CPU socket fordamage.BIOS may be corrupt ormissing.The computer hardware isoperating normally but theBIOS may be corrupt ormissing.A possible system boardfailure has occurred.Remove all peripheral cardsfrom the PCI and PCIe slotsand restart the computer. Ifthe computer boots, add theperipheral cards back oneby one until you find the badone.Power connector notinstalled properly.Re-seat the 2x2 powerconnector from the powersupply unit.103