Dell Precision™ T3500 Service Manual--LED Codesfile:///C|/Biz%20Client/2015/NewBalance/Info%20Dev%20Root/New%20Balance/SM/A00/EN/Source/diags.htm[5/15/2015 11:40:58 AM]1 - On2 - On3 - Off4 - OffPossible system resource configuration error.1 - On2 - On3 - On4 - OffOther failure.1 - On2 - On3 - On4 - OnEnd of POST - Hand off to boot.1 - Off2 - Off3 - Off4 - OffThe system is in a normal operating condition after POST.Beep CodesWhen errors occur during a boot routine that cannot be reported on the monitor, the computer may emit a beep code thatidentifies the problem. The beep code is a pattern of sounds: for example, one beep followed by a second beep, then followedby a burst of three beeps (code 1-1-3) means that the computer was unable to read the data in nonvolatile random-accessmemory (NVRAM). If the system loses power and beeps constantly when you turn it back on, the BIOS is probably corrupted.System Beep CodesBeepCode Description BeepCode Description1-1-2 CPU register test in progress 2-4-3 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure - bit E1-1-3 CMOS read/write test in progress or failure 2-4-4 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure - bit F1-1-4 BIOS ROM checksum in progress or failure 3-1-1 Slave DMA register test in progress or failure1-2-1 Timer Test in progress or failure 3-1-2 Master DMA register test in progress or failure1-2-2 DMA initialization in progress or failure 3-1-3 Master IMR test in progress or failure1-2-3 DMA page register read/write test in progressor failure 3-1-4 Slave IMR test in progress or failure1-3-1 RAM refresh verification in progress or failure 3-2-2 Interrupt vector loading in progress1-3-2 1st 64 K RAM test in progress or failure 3-2-4 Keyboard controller test in progress or failure1-3-3 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure (multibit) 3-3-1 CMOS power fail and checksum test in progress1-3-4 1st 64 K RAM odd/even logic failure 3-3-2 CMOS Config info validation in progress1-4-1 1st 64 K RAM address line failure 3-3-3 RTC/Keyboard controller not found1-4-2 1st 64 K RAM parity test in progress or failure 3-3-4 Screen memory test in progress or failure1-4-3 Fail-safe timer test in progress 3-4-1 Screen initialization test in progress or failure1-4-4 Software NMI port test in progress 3-4-2 Screen retrace tests test in progress or failure2-1-1 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 0 3-4-3 Search for video ROM in progress2-1-2 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 1 4-2-1 Timer tick interrupt test in progress or failure2-1-3 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 2 4-2-2 Shutdown test in progress or failure2-1-4 1st 64 K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 3 4-2-3 Gate A20 failure