computer boots, add theperipheral cards back one byone until you find the bad one.• If the problem persists, thesystem board / system boardcomponent is faulty.A possible system board failure hasoccurred. • Disconnect all internal andexternal peripherals, and re-start the computer. If thecomputer boots, add theperipheral cards back one byone until you find the bad one.• If the problem persists, thesystem board is faulty.Some other failure has occurred. • Ensure that the display/monitor is plugged into adiscrete graphic card.• Ensure that all hard drivesand optical-drive cables areproperly connected to thesystem board.• If there is an error messageon the screen identifying aproblem with a device (suchas the floppy drive or harddrive), check the device tomake sure it is functioningproperly.• If the operating system isattempting to boot from adevice (such as the floppydrive or optical drive), checksystem setup to ensure theboot sequence is correct forthe devices installed on yourcomputer.System is in Recovery Mode • BIOS checksum failure wasdetected and the system isnow in recovery mode.Boot hand off • Indicates end of POSTprocess. LEDs are normally inthis state briefly as POSTcompletes. Once the hand-offto the operating system isdone, the LEDs turn off .53