Option Description• UEFIAdvanced Boot Options Allows you to Enable Legacy Option ROMs• Enable Legacy Option ROMs (Default: not enabled)Date/Time Allows you to set the date and time. The changes to the system date andtime takes effect immediately.Table 4. System configurationOption DescriptionIntegrated NIC Allows you to configure the integrated network controller. The options are:• Enable UEFI Network Stack• DisabledNOTE: You can use the Disabled option, only if Active ManagementTechnology (AMT) option is disabled.• Enabled• Enabled w/PXE (Default)• Enabled w/Cloud DesktopSerial Port Identifies and defines the serial port settings. You can set the serial port to:• Disabled• COM1 (Default)• COM2• COM3• COM4NOTE: The operating system may allocate resources even if thesetting is disabled.SATA Operation Allows you to configure the internal SATA hard-drive controller. Theoptions are:• Disabled• AHCI• RAID On (Default)Drives Allows you to configure the SATA drives on board. The options are:• SATA-0• SATA-1• SATA-2• M.2 PCIe SSD-0Default Setting: All drives are enabled.SMART Reporting This field controls if the hard drive errors for the integrated drives arereported during system startup. This technology is part of the SMART (SelfMonitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) specification.• Enable SMART Reporting - This option is disabled by default.27