34 Quick Reference GuideSystem MessagesNOTE: If the message you received is not listed in the following table, see thedocumentation for either the operating system or the program that was runningwhen the message appeared.A L E R T ! P R E V I O U S A T T E M P T S A T B O O T I N G T H I S S YS T E M H A V E F A I L E D A T C H E C K P O I N T[ N N N N ]. F O R H E L P I N R E S O L V I N G T H I S P R O B L E M , P L E A S E N O T E T H I S C H E C K P O I N TA N D C O N T A C T D E L L T E C H N I C A L S U P P O R T — The computer failed to complete theboot routine three consecutive times for the same error (see "Contacting Dell" in yourUser’s Guide for assistance).CMOS C H E C K S U M E R R O R — Possible motherboard failure or the real-time clockbattery charge is low. Replace the battery (see "Replacing the Battery" or "ContactingDell" in your User’s Guide for assistance).CPU F A N F A I L U R E — CPU fan failure. Replace the CPU fan (see "Removing theProcessor" in your User’s Guide).F L O P P Y D I S K E T T E S E E K F A I L U R E — A cable may be loose, or the computerconfiguration information may not match the hardware configuration. Check cableconnections (see "Contacting Dell" in your User’s Guide for assistance).D I S K E T T E R E A D F A I L U R E — The floppy disk may be defective or a cable may be loose.Replace the floppy disk and/or check for a loose cable connection.4 RAM Read/Writefailure.• Ensure that no special requirements formemory module/connector placementexist (see "Memory" in your User’s Guide).• Ensure that the memory you are using issupported by your computer (see "Memory"in your User’s Guide).• If the problem persists, contact Dell (see"Contacting Dell" in your User’s Guide).5 Real time clock failure.Possible battery failureor motherboard failure.• Replace the battery (see "Replacing theBattery" in your User’s Guide).• If the problem persists, contact Dell (see"Contacting Dell" in your User’s Guide).6 Video BIOS TestFailure.Dell (see "Contacting Dell" in your User’sGuide).Code(repetitiveshort beeps)Description Suggested Remedy