34 | TroubleshootingSystem problemProblems Possible causes Possible solutionsTablet does not turnonThe battery iscompletely discharged.1 Charge the tablet for atleast 4 hours.2 Press and hold the powerbutton for 7 seconds.Tablet does not turnoffPress and hold the powerbutton for 10 seconds toforcefully turn off the tablet.Tablet locks up Press and hold the powerbutton for 10 seconds toforcefully turn off the tablet.Tablet is notresponding or behavingunexpectedly1 Restart the tablet. See“Turning Off Your Tablet”and“Turning On Your Tablet”.2 Reset the tablet. See“Resetting Your Tablet”.3 If the issue is unresolved,contact Dell. Go todell.com/support.Tablet cannot bootinto AndroidContact Dell. Go todell.com/support.Software or featureis not working asexpectedSoftware updates mayhave been downloadedin the background.Restart your tablet, see“Turning Off Your Tablet” and“Turning On Your Tablet”.