Error Messages Descriptionthe problem persists, try to restore thedata by entering the system setupprogram, then immediately exit theprogram. If the message reappears,contact Dell.TIME-OF-DAY CLOCK STOPPED The reserve battery that supports thesystem configuration settings may requirerecharging. Connect your computer to anelectrical outlet to charge the battery. Ifthe problem persists, contact Dell.TIME-OF-DAY NOT SET-PLEASE RUN THESYSTEM SETUP PROGRAMThe time or date stored in the systemsetup program does not match the systemclock. Correct the settings for the Dateand Time options.TIMER CHIP COUNTER 2 FAILED A chip on the system board may bemalfunctioning. Run the System Set testsin the Dell Diagnostics.UNEXPECTED INTERRUPT IN PROTECTEDMODEThe keyboard controller may bemalfunctioning, or a memory module maybe loose. Run the System Memory testsand the Keyboard Controller test in thecontact Dell.X:\ IS NOT ACCESSIBLE. THE DEVICE ISNOT READYInsert a disk into the drive and try again.WARNING: BATTERY IS CRITICALLY LOW The battery is running out of charge.Replace the battery, or connect thecomputer to an electrical outlet;otherwise, activate hibernate mode orshut down the computer.62