Error Messages DescriptionRestart the computer. If the error appearsagain,contact Dell.THE FILE BEING COPIED IS TOO LARGEFOR THE DESTINATION DRIVEThe file that you are trying to copy is toolarge to fit on the disk, or the disk is full.Try copying the file to a different disk oruse a larger capacity disk.A FILENAME CANNOT CONTAIN ANY OFTHE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS: \ / : * ? " <> | -Do not use these characters in filenames.GATE A20 FAILURE A memory module may be loose. Reinstallthe memory modules and, if necessary,replace them.GENERAL FAILURE The operating system is unable to carryout the command. The message is usuallyfollowed by specific information. Forexample, Printer out of paper. Take theappropriate action.HARD-DISK DRIVE CONFIGURATIONERRORThe computer cannot identify the drivetype. Shut down the computer, remove thehard drive, and boot the computer from aoptical drive. Then, shut down thecomputer, reinstall the hard drive, andrestart the computer. Run the Hard DiskDrive tests in the Dell Diagnostics.HARD-DISK DRIVE CONTROLLER FAILURE0The hard drive does not respond tocommands from the computer. Shut downthe computer, remove the hard drive, andboot the computer from a optical drive.Then, shut down the computer, reinstallthe hard drive, and restart the computer. Ifthe problem persists, try another drive.Run the Hard Disk Drive tests in the DellDiagnostics.HARD-DISK DRIVE FAILURE The hard drive does not respond tocommands from the computer. Shut downthe computer, remove the hard drive, and54