Option DescriptionDrives Allows you to enable or disable the various drives on-board:• SATA-0 (enabled by default)• SATA-1 (enabled by default)• SATA-2 (enabled by default)• M.2 PCIe SSD-0 (enabled by default)Smart Reporting This field controls whether hard drive errors for integrated drives are reported during systemstartup. The Enable Smart Reporting option is disabled by default.USB Configuration Allows you to enable or disable the integrated USB controller for:• Enable USB Boot Support• Enable External USB PortAll the options are enabled by default.Audio Allows you to enable or disable the integrated audio controller. The option Enable Audio is selectedby default.• Enable Microphone• Enable Internal SpeakerBoth the options are selected by default.Miscellaneous Devices Allows you to enable or disable the following devices:• Enable Camera (enabled by default)VideoOption DescriptionLCD Brightness Allows you to set the display brightness depending up on the power source—On Battery and On AC. The LCDbrightness is independent for battery and AC adapter. It can be set using the slider.NOTE: The video setting is visible only when a video card is installed into the system.SecurityTable 4. SecurityOption DescriptionAdmin Password Allows you to set, change, and delete the admin password.System Password Allows you to set, change, and delete the system password.Strong Password This option lets you enable or disable strong passwords for the system.Password Configuration Allows you to control the minimum and maximum number of characters allowed for a administrativepassword and the system password. The range of characters is between 4 and 32.Password Bypass This option lets you bypass the System (Boot) Password and the internal HDD password promptsduring a system restart.• Disabled — Always prompt for the system and internal HDD password when they are set. Thisoption is enabled by default.• Reboot Bypass — Bypass the password prompts on Restarts (warm boots).NOTE: The system will always prompt for the system and internal HDD passwordswhen powered on from the off state (a cold boot). Also, the system will always promptfor passwords on any module bay HDDs that may be present.System setup 65