DNT-T103 & DNT-T221 Application GuidePage 2 of 41 Document Edition 4.1Other Relevant Documents• Associated BACstat II Installation Guide (DNT-T103 or DNT-221)••Delta Controls Wiring and Installation Guidelines•ORCAview Operator Guide• Release Notes for relevant firmware and BACstat productsORCAview Technical Reference ManualImportant InformationThis document has been updated to include features and capabilities of Release 4 firmware andhardware for the BACstat II DNT-T103 and the DNT-T221 products. Although BACstat firmware isindependent from ORCAview, DCU, and Application Controllers, certain BACstat capabilitiesrequire support in the other products. The firmware for the DNT-T103 and the DNT-T221 can beflash loaded over the network.1. V3.22 FIRMWARE & SOFTWARE OR HIGHERWhen BACstats are used with ORCAview, DCU, and Application Controllers loaded with V3.22firmware/software please be aware of the following issues.For an MS/TP Network Connection:• A DSC is required• Local BACstat display handling and control strategies may be enabled• Data exchange may be done in GCL+ programming in any DCU or Application Controlleron the MS/TP networkSetup & ConfigurationNETWORK COMMUNICATIONSOn an MS/TP network BACstats communicate at a default speed of 76,800 bps. Refer to theTechnical Reference Manual for further detail on configuring the MS/TP network or changingbaud rates. Also refer to the associated BACstat II Installation Guide for network installationdetails.Flash ProgrammingThe BACstat II Release 4 product now offers flash loadable firmware across its networkconnection. It is supported by Flashloader V3.33, and operates the same way as other Deltacontrollers. Please ensure that all the databases have been backed up prior to upgrading the flashfirmware. Refer to the Flashloader V3.33 User's GuideDEVICE CONFIGURATION (KEYPAD)for further details on using theFlashloader to upgrade the firmware on the BACstat II Release 4 product.To use ORCAview OWS to configure BACstats refer to OWS Functions on page 33.1. CONFIGURATION MENU USER ACCESSAccess to the Configuration Menu is protected by an access code or PIN. You must enter the valid PINbefore access is granted, which works as follows:• First press the Up Arrow ( ▲), and then press the Down Arrow (▼) while still pressing the UpArrow, and hold them both down for at least 5 seconds.