- 7 -○7 Manually exclusive output: For example, Y3 and Y4 control the forward running and reverserunning of the motor, forming an interlock for the external circuit, together with the PLCinternal program, to ensure safe protection in case of any unexpected errors.○8 Neon indicator ○9 Absorber: Reduces the interference on AC load [Figure 15] Transistor output circuit wiringTransistor output (NPN) Transistor output (PNP)[ Figure 17 ] [ Figure 18 ]V DC+S mal ler powerD[ F ig ure 19 ]D: 1N4001 diode or equi v alent c om ponen tCY VDC+S mal ler powerD[ F ig ure 20]D: 1N4001 diode or equi valent com ponentYUPZPZD DLa rger power andf requent on/ of fZD: 9V Z ener, 5W [ F ig ure 21 ]D: 1N4001 diode or equi valent com ponen tCYV DC+ZDDZD: 9V Z ener, 5W [ F ig ure 22 ]D: 1N4001 diode or equi valent com ponentZPUPV DC +YV DC+Larger powerandfrequent on/of f○1 DC power supply ○2 Emergency stop ○3 Circuit protection fuse○4 The output of the transistor model is “open collector”. If Y0/Y1 is set to pulse output, theoutput current has to be bigger than 0.1A to ensure normal operation of the model.1. Diode suppression: Used when in smaller power [Figure 19] and [Figure 20]2. Diode + Zener suppression: Used when in larger power and frequent On/Off [Figure 21][Figure 22]○5 Manually exclusive output: For example, Y2 and Y3 control the forward running and reverserunning of the motor, forming an interlock for the external circuit, together with the PLCinternal program, to ensure safe protection in case of any unexpected errors. A/D External Wiring (For DVP24SV11T2 Only) Active PassiveVol tage i nputCurrent i nputter minal of apower moduleShielded c abl eShielded c abl eGr ounding (100 or below)100V0+I0+VI0-CH0V1+I1+VI1-CH124G+24V+-U I N+-U I NVol tage i nputCurrent i nputter minal of apower moduleShielded c abl eShielded c abl eGr ounding (100 or below)100V0+I0+V0-CH0V1+I1+VI1-CH124G+24V-+U I N-+