72AVR-2310CI/2310/890, AVC-2310EN5311Q (IC202, 805 : HDMI B’D)EN5311Q Block DiagramVIN (Pin 1,2): Input voltage pin. Supplies powerto the IC. VIN can range from 2.4V to 5.5V.Input GND: (Pin 3): Input power ground.Connect this pin to the ground terminal of theinput capacitor. Refer to LayoutRecommendations for further details.Output GND: (Pin 4): Power ground. Theoutput filter capacitor should be connectedbetween this pin and V OUT. Refer to Layoutrecommendations for further detail.VOUT (Pin 5,6,7): Regulated output voltage.NC (Pin 8,9,10,11,12,13,14): These pinsshould not be electrically connected to eachother or to any external signal, voltage, orground. One or more of these pins may beconnected internally.VSENSE (Pin 15): Sense pin for output voltageregulation. Connect VSENSE to the outputvoltage rail as close to the terminal of theoutput filter capacitor as possible.VFB (Pin 16): Feed back pin for external divideroption. When using the external divider option(VS0=VS1=VS2= high) connect this pin to thecenter of the external divider. Set the dividersuch that VFB = 0.603V.VS0,VS1,VS2 (Pin 17,18,19): Output voltageselect. VS0=pin19, VS1=pin18, VS2=pin17.Selects one of seven preset output voltages orchoose external divider by connecting pins tologic high or low. Logic low is defined as V LOWd 0.4V. Logic high is defined as V HIGH t 1.4V.Any level between these two values isindeterminate.ENABLE (Pin 20): Output enable. Enable =logic high, disable = logic low. Logic low isdefined as VLOW d 0.2V. Logic high is definedas VHIGH t 1.4V. Any level between these twovalues is indeterminate.Bottom Thermal Pad: Device thermal pad toremove heat from package. Connect to PCBsurface ground pad and PCB internal groundplane (see layout recommendations).Figure 2. Pin description, top view.VoltageSelectDACSwitchVREF(+)(-)ErrorAmpV SENSEV FBV OUTVS0 VS1 VS2Package BoundryP-DriveN-DriveUVLOThermal LimitCurrent LimitSoft StartSawtoothGenerator(+)(-)PWMCompV INENABLEGNDLogicCompensationNetwork