23AVR-4308CIUnless specified, 1U-3800-1 A.VIDEO UNIT part.KInputCOMPONENTCheck 5VA, +5VD and +9VA.+5VA : CW082-3,4pin-5VA : CW082-1,2pin+5VD : CW132-1pin+9VA : CW082-8pinNG To troubleshooting 1.1 Power not turnon.OKCheck input/output of COMPONENTselector.Input Y : IC601-48pinInput Cb : IC601-2pinInput Cr : IC601-4pinOutput Y : IC601-34pinOutput Cb : IC601-32pinOutput Cr : IC601-30pinNG Check IC601 and CW092 soldering,or DIGITAL UNIT flawCW092.OKCheck input/output of AMP.Input Y : IC602-1pinInput Cb : IC602-3pinInput Cr : IC602-5pinOutput Y : IC602-13pinOutput Cb : IC602-11pinOutput Cr : IC602-9pinNG Check AMP settings.IC602-7pin : H(5V)NG Check IC508 and CW132 soldering, orDIGITAL UNIT flaw.OKOK Check soldering of IC602 andsurrounding parts.Check output to 1U-3799 DIGITAL UNIT.Output Y : CW112-5pinOutput Cb : CW112-3pinOutput Cr : CW112-1pinNG Check soldering of CW112.OK1U-3800-2 VIDEO CONNECT UNIT.Check input of video driverInput Y : IC703-8pinInput C : IC703-2pinNG 1U-3800-2 VIDEO CONNECT UNITCheck CX093 soldering, or DIGITALUNIT flaw.OKCheck output of video driver.Output Y : IC703-25pinOutput C : IC703-29pinNG Check soldering of IC703.OKCheck input/output of analog SW.Input Y : IC415-5pinInput C : IC415-14pinOutput Y : IC415-3pinOutput C : IC415-13pinNG Check analog SW settings.IC415-10pin : H(+5V)IC415-9pin : L(0V)NG Check IC506 and CW132 soldering, orDIGITAL UNIT flaw.OKOK Check soldering of IC415.Check input/output of AMP.Input Y : IC404-3pinInput C : IC404-5pinOutput Y : IC404-1pinOutput C : IC404-7pinNG Check soldering of IC404.OKCheck cable between main unit and mon-itor or Check monitor .NGOKNGOKNG NGOKOKNGOKNGOKNGOKNG NGOKOKNGOKw w w . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o mQ Q 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 992894298T E L 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 992894298051513673QQTEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299http://www.xiaoyu163.comhttp://www.xiaoyu163.com