25AVR-4810CI/AVR-481054Error message received regardingfirmware data after logging in toDPMS when rewriting firmwaresuch as Sub CPU, DSP, FPGA,and PLD.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.55When rewriting firmware such asSub CPU, DSP, FPGA, and PLD,request was made for firmwaredata after logging in to DPMS, butit timed out.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.56Failure to download firmware afterlogging in to DPMS when rewritingfirmware such as Sub CPU, DSP,FPGA, and PLD.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.57Firmware download error received(line congestion) after logging in toDPMS when rewriting firmwaresuch as Sub CPU, DSP, FPGA,and PLD.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.58Firmware download error received(connection failure) after logging into DPMS when rewriting firmwaresuch as Sub CPU, DSP, FPGA,and PLD.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.5ANACK received when “C” com-mand sent to Sub CPU, DSP,FPGA, PLD etc.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.5BNACK received when “L” com-mand sent to Sub CPU, DSP,FPGA, PLD etc.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.5CSub CPU, DSP, FPGA, PLD etc.failed to receive firmware forrewriting sent from DM870 (whentimed out).Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.5DSub CPU, DSP, FPGA, PLD etc.failed to receive firmware forrewriting sent from DM870 (whenan error).Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.5EInvalid data in firmware such asSub CPU, DSP, FPGA, and PLDfor rewriting sent from DM870(when a Check Sum error).Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.5FInvalid data in firmware such asSub CPU, DSP, FPGA, and PLDfor rewriting sent from DM870(invalid data received).Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.60NACK received when “P” com-mand sent to Sub CPU, DSP,FPGA, PLD etc.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.61NACK received when “I” commandsent to Sub CPU, DSP, FPGA,PLD etc.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.62 Failure to start up Sub-μcom. Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.80 Failure to acquire serial flash dataand before deleting serial flash.Turn the power off then back on.Updating starts automatically.Errorcode Details of Error code Display Coping strategiesS u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 4S u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 5S u b * * * m i nD o w n l o a d f a i l 5 6S u b * * * m i nS e r v e r i s b u s y 5 7S u b * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l 5 8S u b * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l 5 AS u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 BS u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 CS u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 DS u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 ES u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 5 FS u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 6 0S u b * * * m i nU p d a t e C h e c k N G 6 1S u b * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 6 2G U I F l a s h * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 8 0