PLAYBACK USING THE REMOTE CONTROLThe accessory RC-1500 remote control unit is used to control the CD player from a distance.(1) . Inserting the dry cell batteries Notes on Use of the Batteries@ Remove the rear cover on the remote econtrol unit.@ Insert two SUM-4 (standard size 4) dry icell batteries as shown in the diagramon the battery supply unit.(8) Replace the rear cover,(2) Directions for useThe remote control unit uses standard size 4dry cell batteries.The batteries will need to be replaced approxi-mately once a year. This will depend upon howoften the remote control is used.If, in less than a year from the time new bat-teries were inserted, the remote control failsto operate the disc player from a near-byposition, or if the indicator lamp for remotesignal transmission does not light or is faintlylit, it is time to replace the batteries.Insert the batteries properly, following thediagram on the remote control battery supplyunit, and making sure to align the plus andminus sides of each battery.Batteries are prone to damage and leakage.Therefore:e Do not combine new batteries with usedones.e Do not combine different types of bat-teries.e Do not jumper the opposite poles of thebatteries, expose them to heat or break themopen, or put them into open fire.When the remote control is not to be used for along period of time, remove the batteries fromthe unit.If the batteries have leaked, remove any batteryfluid from the inside of the battery supply unitby wiping it out thoroughly, and insert newbatteries.@ Operate the remote control unit while it is pointed toward the photosensitive window, as shownin the diagram below.When a remote control signal is received, the signaltransmission receive indicator lamp lights.The remote control unit can be used at dis-tances up to 10 meters in a straight line awayRight 30° from the player. ThisPhotosensitive windowNotes on Operationdistance will decrease ifthere are obstructions inEy the way of the transmis-sion or if the light shaft isnot directed straight at theplayer.Left 30°@ Do not press the operating buttons on the player and the remote control unit at the same time. This willcause misoperation.~ Niseots cat 8! oad . . . ‘anon . ee