Denon DRA-1025R Operating Instructions Manual
Also see for DRA-1025R: Operating instructions
7. Wall of Ceiling Mount in g - The appliance shouldbe mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recom-mended by the manufacturer.8. Vent ila ti o n - The app liance should be situated soth at · loca ti on or po s iti on does not interfere w ithp r oper e nti l ation. For example, the applia nceo I no be s itu ated on a bed , sofa, rug, or sim i-la s urface th at may block th~ ventilation openings;or, placed in a built-in installation, such as a book-case or cabi net that may impede the flow of airthro ugh the ventilation openings.9. Heat - The appliance should be situated away fromheat so urc es such as radiators, heat registers,stoves , or other appliances (including amplifiers )that produc e heat.10. Po er Sources - The appliance should be con-nected to a power supply only of the type de-scribe d in the operating instructions or as markedon the appliance.11. Grounding or Polarization - The precautions thatshould be taken so that the grounding or polariza-tion means of an appliance is not defeated.12. Power -Cord Protection Power - supply cordsshould be routed so that they are not likely to bewalked on or pinched by items pla ced upon oragainst them, paying particular attent ion to cordsat plugs, convenience recepta cles, and the po i ntwhere they exit from the appliance.13. Protective Attachment Plug - The appliance isequipped with an attachment plug having overloadprotection. This is a safety feature . See InstructionManual for replacement or resetting of protectivedevice. If replace_ment of the plug is required, beSERVICEENTRANCEEQUIPMENTFIGURE AEXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDING ACCORDINGTO NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE INSTRUCTIONSCONTAINED IN ARTICLE 810 - " RADIO ANDTELEVISION EQUIPMENT"sure the service technician has used a r eplacementplug specified by the manufacturer that has thesame overload protect i on as the or ig inal plug .14. Cleaning - The appliance s hou ld be cleaned onlyas recommended by the man ufacturer .15. Power Lines - An outdoor ante nna should be lo-cated away from power lines.16. Outdoor Antenna Grounding - If an out side anten-na is connected to the receiver, be sure the anten-na system is grounded so as to prov ide some pro-tection against voltage surges and bu ilt up staticcharges. Section 810 of the National ElectricalCode, ANSI/NFPA No. 70:-1984, provides informa-tion with respect to proper grounding of the mastand supporting structure, grounding of the lead-inwire to an antenna discharge unit, size of ground-ing conductors, location of antenna - discharge unit,connection to grounding electrodes, and require -ments for the grounding electrode . See Figure A.17. Nonuse Periods - The power cord of the applianceshould be unplugged from the outlet when left un -used for a long period of time .18. Object and Liquid Entry - Care should be taken sothat objects do not fall and liquids are not spilledinto the enclosure through openings.19. Damage Requ iring Service - The appl iance shouldbe serv iced by qualifi~d serv ice personnel when:20.A. The power-supply cord or the plug has beendamaged; orB. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilledinto the appliance; orC. The appliance has been exposed to .rain ; orD. The appliance does not appear to operate nor-mally or exhibits a markedBchange in perform -ance; orE. The appliance has been dropped, or the enclo-sure damaged.Servicing - The user should not attempt to servicethe appliance beyond that described in the operat-ing instructions. All other servicing should be refer-red to qualified service personnel.STANDOFFINSULATO RSbANTENNADISCHARGEUNITCa Use No . 10 AWG (5 .3 mm 2 ) copper. No. 8 AWG (8.4mm 2 ) aluminum, No . 17 AWG ( 1.0 mm 2 ) copper-cladsteel or bronze wire, or larger, as a ground wire .POWER SERVICE GROUNDINGELECTRODE SYSTEMTO EXTERNAL ANTENNATERMINALS OF PRODUCT b Secure antenna lead -in and ground wires to house withstand-off insu lators spaced from 4-6 feet (1.22-1. 83 m)apart.(e.g . interior metal water pipe}BONDING JUMPERd52898\OPTIONAL ANTENNA GROUNDING ELECTRODEDRIVEN 8 FEET (2.44 ml INTO THE EARTHIF REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES. SEE NECSECTION 810 - 21111.c Mount antenna discharge unit as close as possible to wherelead-in enters house.d Use jumper wire not smal ler than No. 6 AWG (13.3 mm')copper, or the equivalent, when a separate antenna-grounding electrode is u sed . See NEC Section 810 -2 1(j).3 |
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