49DVD-2910/955Terminal FunctionsPin Name I/O Functions1 VSC - It fixed to ground.( for Core)2 XMSLAT I Latch input for μCOM serial communication.3 MSCK I Shift clock input for μCOM serial communication.4 MSDATI I Data input for μCOM serial communication.5 VDC - +2.5V Power for Core.6 MSDATO O Data output for μCOM serial communication. “Hi-Z” potential except the output mode.7 MSREADY O Completion flag of output preparation for μCOM serial communication. “L” is outputted at the time ofcompletion.8 XMSDOE O Output enable pin for μCOM serial communication. “L” is outputted at the time of MSDATO mode.9 XRST I Reset pin. The whole IC is reset by at the time of “L” potential.10 SMUTE Ipd Soft Mute. Soft mute of the audio output is carried out at the time of “H” potential.It releases at the time of “L” potential.11 MCKI I Master Clock input.12 VSIO - It fixed to Ground. Ground for I/O.13 EXCKO1 O External output Clock 1.14 EXCKO2 O External output Clock 2.15 LRCK O 44.1kHz, 1Fs Clock output.16 FRAME O Frame signal output.17 VDIO - +3.3V Power for I/O.18 MNT0 O Monitor output.19 MNT1 O Monitor output.20 MNT2 O Monitor output.21 MNT3 O Monitor output.22 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test. (open)23 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test.(open)24 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test.(open)25 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test.(open)26 TCK I Clock input for a Test. It fixed to “L” potential.27 TDI Ipu Input pin(pull-up) for a Test.(open)28 VSC - It fixed to Ground. Ground for CORE.29 TDO O Output for a Test.(open).30 TMS Ipu Input pin(pull-up) for a Test.(open)31 TRST Ipu Reset pin(pull-up) for a Test. Input the Power-on reset signal or fixed to “L” potential.32 TEST1 I Test input pin. It fixed to “L” potential.33 TEST2 I Test input pin. It fixed to “L” potential.34 TEST3 I Test input pin. It fixed to “L” potential.35 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE.36 TESTO O Out put for TEST. It fixed to open.37 XBIT O DST monitor.38 SUPDT0 O Supplementary data output. (LSB)39 SUPDT1 O Supplementary data output.40 SUPDT2 O Supplementary data output.41 SUPDT3 O Supplementary data output.42 VSIO - Ground for I/O.43 SUPDT4 O Supplementary data output.44 SUPDT5 O Supplementary data output.45 VDIO - +3.3V Power for I/O.46 SUPDT6 O Supplementary data output.47 SUPDT7 O Supplementary data output. (MSB)48 XSUPAK O Supplementary data Acknowledge output terminal.49 VSC - Ground for CORE.www. xiaoyu163. comQQ 376315150 992894298TEL 13942296513 992894298051513673QQTEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299http://www.xiaoyu163.comhttp://www.xiaoyu163.com