– 24 – ENDVD SETUPIF YOU FORGET THE PASSWORDPress 4, 7, 3, 7 at step .• Password will be cleared and rating level will be set to ALL.Repeat steps to to re-establish the parental lock.74241Ratings ControlRatings Control allows you to set a limit, which prevents yourchildren from viewing inappropriate materials on DVDs. A four-digit password that you establish will give you the control.RATING LEVELYou can set a viewing limit through Rating Level. Playback ofthe discs will stop if the disc’s general rating exceeds the limityou set.Press the SETUP button in stop mode.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B) to select CUSTOM,then press the ENTER button.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B)to select RATINGS, then press theENTER button.Press the Numeric buttons to enteryour four-digit password.• When doing this for the first time,enter any four-digit number bypressing the Numeric buttons(except for 4737), then press the ENTER button. That num-ber will be used as the password from the second timeonward. Record your password in case you forget it.• If you forget the password, press 4, 7, 3, 7. The originalpassword will be cleared and ratinglevels will be set to ALL. Enter anew four-digit password, then pressthe ENTER button.Press the Cursor buttons (K or L)to select RATING LEVEL, thenpress the ENTER button.Press the Cursor buttons (K or L)to select a desired level, then pressthe ENTER button.Press the SETUP button to exit andactivate the new settings.NOTES:• This function may not work on someDVDs. Be sure if the RATINGSoperates in the way you have set.• The resume information will be cleared if you change theparental level when the resume information is on.To Change the Password:1) Follow the steps to above.2) Press the Cursor buttons (K or L) to select PASSWORDCHANGE, then press the ENTER button.3) Enter a new four-digit password, then press the ENTERbutton.4) Press the SETUP button to exit.417654321RATINGSRATING LEVEL ALLPASSWORD CHANGEPASSWORDRATINGSPlease enter a 4-digit password.RATINGSRATING LEVELALL87 [NC-17]6 [R]54 [PG13]3 [PG] LYou can change some Audio settings. It only affects duringthe playback of DVD discs.Press the SETUP button in stop mode.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B) to selectCUSTOM, then press the ENTER button.• The custom mode will appear.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B)to select AUDIO, then the ENTERbutton to confirm.Press the Cursor buttons (K or L)button to select an item, then pressthe ENTER button.DRC (Dynamic Range Control)(Default: ON)• DRC function compresses therange of sound volume.• DRC function is available only onthe discs that are recorded in theDolby Digital format.LPCM SELECT (Default: OFF)• Set to ON when outputting in 48kHz.• This function is available only ondigital outputting of a disc recordedin 96kHz.• When the HDMI sound is output,the setting is disregarded.When playing disc withcopyright protection• The sound will be down sampled at48kHz, even if you set to OFF.DOLBY DIGITAL(Default: BITSTREAM)• Set to BITSTREAM when the playeris connected to a Dolby Digitaldecoder.• This function is effective only for theCOAXIAL, OPTICAL and HDMIconnections.BITSTREAM:• For HDMI connection, if theconnected equipment is not compatible with theDolby Digital BITSTREAM, the signals are output asPCM regardless of the setting.PCM: Convert Dolby Digital to PCM.QUICK4321Audio SettingAUDIODRC ONLPCM SELECT OFFDOLBY DIGITAL BITSTREAMDTS BITSTREAMAUDIO MODE HDMIAUDIODRC ONLPCM SELECT OFFDOLBY DIGITAL BITSTREAMDTS BITSTREAMAUDIO MODE HDMIAUDIODRC ONLPCM SELECT OFFDOLBY DIGITAL BITSTREAMDTS BITSTREAMAUDIO MODE HDMIAUDIODRC ONLPCM SELECT OFFDOLBY DIGITAL BITSTREAMDTS BITSTREAMAUDIO MODE HDMIDTS(Default: BITSTREAM)• Set to BITSTREAM when the unit isconnected to a DTS decoder.BITSTREAM:DTS signals are output as Bitstream.• For HDMI connection, if the connect-ed equipment is not compatible with the DTS Bitstream, thesignals are not output regardless of the setting.OFF: No DTS sound will be output.• DTS sound is output only from digital audio outputs.AUDIO MODE (Default: HDMI)• Set to HDMI when outputting theHDMI sound.• Set to ANALOG when not out-putting the HDMI sound.Press the SETUP button to exitand activate the new settings.5QUICKHDMI SELECT (Default: YCbCr)• Select an HDMI output modebetween YCbCr and RGB.• When the connected equipment isnot compatible with YCbCr, HDMIsignal is output as RGB regardlessof the setting.HDMI PICTURE (Default: NORMAL)• Select a HDMI picture modebetween NORMAL andENHANCED.• Select ENHANCED if the black-white contrast is not clear.• This setting is effective only forHDMI RGB output.Press the SETUP button to exit and activate the new settings.NOTE:• Be sure to press the SETUP button, or the setting will notwork.5AUDIODRC ONLPCM SELECT OFFDOLBY DIGITAL BITSTREAMDTS BITSTREAMAUDIO MODE HDMIAUDIODRC ONLPCM SELECT OFFDOLBY DIGITAL BITSTREAMDTS BITSTREAMAUDIO MODE HDMIDISPLAYTV ASPECT 4:3 LETTER BOXSTILL MODE AUTOTV TYPE MULTIPROGRESSIVE OFFPROG.MODE AUTO1HDMI SELECT YCbCrHDMI PICTURE NORMALDISPLAYTV ASPECT 4:3 LETTER BOXSTILL MODE AUTOTV TYPE MULTIPROGRESSIVE OFFPROG.MODE AUTO1HDMI SELECT YCbCrHDMI PICTURE NORMAL