x2 x8 x30 x60ButtonButton– 17 –English1 Press the g or h button during play-back.¡For DVDs, pressing the g or h button cyclesthe playback speed in four steps. In case of DVDs,the sound will mute.¡For audio CDs, the playback speed is ×16 fixed.2 Press the PLAY button to return to normal play-back speed.¡FAST FORWARD or REVERSE from a TITLE toother TITLEs is not possible.CDDVDFAST FORWARD/REVERSESTARTING FROM A DESIRED TRACKThere are 2 ways you can jump to a desired track.By using only the NUMERIC buttons.1 Directly enter the desired track number withthe numeric buttons when the disc is beingplayed, stopped, or paused.By using the ‘SEARCH MODE’ button.1 Press ‘SEARCH MODE’button.¡Track search display will show up.CDSTARTING FROM A DESIREDTITLE OR CHAPTERTR: __/ 15There are 2 ways you can jump to a desired title or a chapter.By using the ‘SEARCH MODE’ button.1 Press ‘SEARCH MODE’button.¡Title/Chapter search display will show up.2 If you wish to perform a title search, select‘TT’. If you wish to perform a chapter search,select ‘CH’ with K/L buttons.3 Enter the desired title or chapter numberwith the numeric buttons (If you are enteringa single digit number press “0” first).¡When you finish entering the number, the selectedtitle or chapter will start automatically.Note: If you didn’t press “0” before entering the singledigit number, you have to press ENTER to go to thedesired title or the chapter.By using only the NUMERIC buttons.TITLE SEARCH:1 Directly enter the desired title number withthe numeric buttons when the disc isstopped.CHAPTER SEARCH:1 Directly enter the desired chapter numberwith the numeric buttons when the disc isbeing played or paused.¡When you finish entering the number, the selectedtitle or chapter will start automatically.DVDTT: 1/ 12CH: __ / 3TRICKS WITH THE SKIP BUTTONS (H, G)If the SKIP button G is pressed during playback orwhile playback is paused, the current track/chapterwill be skipped and the next track/chapter will start.When the SKIP button H is pressed once, the topof the current track/chapter will be located forreplaying. When the SKIP button H is pressedagain within 2-seconds after playback begins, theprevious track/chapter will be located.CDDVDSLOW MOTION1 Press the g button while playback ispaused. (Sound remains muted.)¡Slow motion mode will beactivated.¡Pressing the g buttoncycles the playback speed inthree steps. Select an appro-priate speed while referring tothe speed indication on thescreen.2 Press the PLAY button to return to normalplayback speed.Notes¡Slow playback is not available with audio CDs.¡Reverse slow motion is not available.¡Slow playback from a TITLE to other TITLE is notpossible.DVD×1/16×1/8×1/2D Button2 Enter the desired track number with thenumeric buttons (If you are entering a singledigit number press “0” first).¡In either way, when you finish entering the number,the selected track will start automatically.Note: If you didn’t press “0” before entering the singledigit number, you have to press ‘ENTER’ button to goto the desired track.