Subtitle Language _- _- Changing the On-Screen Display _>-The DVD player allows you to selecta language for subtitle during DVD disc (if available) playback.[] Press the SUBTITLE button during playback.[] Press the SUBTITLE button repeatedly to selectyour desired subtitle language.• The selected language will be displayed on the displaybar at the top of the screen.[] To turn off subtitles, press the SUBTITLE buttonrepeatedly until OFF appears._--- Subtitle1_.-- Subtitles_,_ OFFVNOTES:• Some discs allow audio language setting/subtitle languagesetting on the disc menu. Operation varies between discs,so refer to the manual accompanying the disc.)• If the desired language is not shown after prsssing theSUBTITLE buttonseveral times, the disc does not have subtitlesin that language.• If you choose a Language that has a 3 letter languagecode, the code will be displayed every time you change theSubtitle )anguage setting. If you choose any other lan-guages, --J willbe displayed instead. (Refer to page 26.)_" Camera Angle "_Some DVD discs contain scenes which have been shot simulta-neously from various angles. You can change the camera anglewhen the ( E_ ) mark appears on the screen.[] Press the ANGLE button during playback.• The ssiected angle wii] be displayed on the display barat the top of the screen.[] Press the ANGLE button repeatedly to select yourdesired angle.P_.-- Angle 1You can check information about thecurrent disc by pressing the DISPLAY button on the remotecontrol.[] Press the DISPLAY button during -]playback to show current Chapter. I_ ............. _-I/• The elapsed and remaining play-ing time of the current chapterwill be displayed.[] Press the DISPLAY button again to show currentTitle.• The elapsed and remaining playing time of the currenttitle will be displayed.[] Press the DISPLAY button the third time.• The BIT RATE and the current repeat setting wil! bedisplayed.• If you are playing a duet layered disc, the layer numberwill also be displayed ( LO: Layer O is playing. LI: Layer1 is playing).If you are playing a DVD-RW withsetting the PLAYLIST, the followingwil! also be displayed.ORG: Playing the ORIGINALPL: Playing the PLAYLIST.[] Press the DISPLAY button the fourth time to removethe display,[] Press the DISPLAY button during playback, thecurrent Track will be displayed on the TV screen.• The elapsed and remaining playing time of the currenttrack wil! be displayed.[] Press the DISPLAY button again to show currentTotal Track,• The elapsed and remaining playing time of the currenttotal track will be displayed.[] Press the DISPLAY button the third time to removethe display,- 22 - EN