47• Needle Drop Mode: This setting determineshow the Needle Drop strip functions:o Play: While playback is stopped, touchingthe Needle Drop strip will immediatelystart playback at that location in the track.o Scan: While playback is stopped,touching the Needle Drop strip willpreview a small section of audio from thatlocation repeatedly. This is useful forauditioning a precise location in the track.• Filter BPM Range: This setting determines howmany options there are when filtering tracks byBPM in the track list: 0, +3, +5, +10 BPM.Examples:When set to +10, the available options whenviewing the BPM category may be: 100–120,110–130, 120–140, etc. Each option will span arange of 20 BPM (10 BPM in either direction)and increase by increments of 10.When set to +3, the available options whenviewing the BPM category may be: 105–111,108–114, 111–117. Each option will span arange of 6 BPM (3 BPM in either direction) andincrease by increments of 3.• Track End Warning: This setting determineswhen the deck will indicate that the currentlyplaying track is nearing its end: 10, 20, 30, 40,50, or 60sec or Off. When the amount ofremaining time in a track reaches this interval,the lights around the platter will flash to warnyou that it will end soon.• Clear Play History: Select OK to clear theHistory track list. Select Cancel to leave theHistory track list as it is.System Information• Engine Information: This field shows thecurrent version of the Engine operating systemyour MCX8000 is using.• Display Version: This field shows the currentversion of display firmware your MCX8000 isusing.