Getting StartedConnectionsSetupInformationTroubleshootingENGLISHPlaybackPlaying Files Stored on a ComputerUse this procedure to play music files or playlists.1Either turnor press89afterpressingto select “PC Music” then pressENTER, or press[PC MUSIC].2Either turnor press[ui]to select thehost name of the computer on which the music file youwant to play is located, then pressENTER.3Either turnor press[ui]to select thesearch item or folder, then pressENTER.bWhen a folder is selected and1/3is pressed, playback of the files inthe folder begins.4Either turnor press[ui]to select thefile, then pressENTER.bDuring playback, press1/3to pause. Press1/3again to resumeplayback.bPressRETURNduring playback to return to the previous menuscreen.bPressENTERduring play to change to Artist display or Album display.Selecting tracksDuring playback, either press8(reverse track) or9(forwardtrack).•Connections to the required system and specific settings must bemade in order to play music files (vpage 7).•Before starting, you must launch the computer’s server softwareand set the files as server contents. For details, see the operatinginstructions of your server software.Registering PC Music as Your FavoritesMusic files can be stored in the favorites and played.“Favorite” (vpage 19)NOTE•Favorites are erased by overwriting them.•Whentheoperationdescribedbelowisperformed,themusicserver’s database is updated and it may no longer be possible to playor registering music files.•When you quit the music server and then restart it.•When music files are deleted or added on the music server.Listening to PC MusicPCMUSIC