![Denso BHT-400-CE Reference Manual Manual pdf 25 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3027348/64ae676a13184d9ff8ef30ee9fe58e8b25f.jpg)
- 19 -9. KeyboardThe following key functions exist in addition to the standard press/release functions.• Input mode change• Magic key function assignment• [SF] key operation mode change9.1. Input Mode ChangeThe following input modes are available.• Numeric entry mode (default), function mode (*1)By pressing the [FUNC] key, an icon displays and the mode changes to Function mode, however, theoperation for the returned virtual key codes and display characters does not change.• Alphabet entry modeChange to alphabet entry mode by pressing the [ALP] key or by enabling the Keys.Settings.InputMethod property.Changing the input mode using the [ALP] key can be prohibited using the Keys.Settings.AllowChangeIM property.9.2. Function ModeThe function mode can be changed by pressing the [FUNC] key or enabling the Keys.Settings.FuncMode property.The virtual key codes and display characters returned when keys are pressed in function mode are shown in“Appendix 2. Virtual Keyboard and Display Characters”.Numeric entry mode[Default]Alphabet entry modePress [ALP] key,orKeys.Settings.InputMethod =EN_ INPUT_METHOD.NUMERICPress [ALP] key,orKeys.Settings.InputMethod =EN_ INPUT_METHOD.ALPHABETNumeric entry mode[Default] Function modePress [FUNC] key,orKeys.Settings.FuncMode =EN_FUNC_MODE.NONFUCTIONPress [FUNC] key,orKeys.Settings.FunMode =EN_FUNC_MODE.FUCTION