10103112VENT FREE PROPANE/LP GAS HEATERBLUE FLAME 6000 BTU/HRShutting Off Heater1. Turn control knob clockwise Clockwiseto the PILOT position.2. Press in control knob and turn clock-wise Clockwise to the OFF position.Shutting Off Burner Only (pilotstays lit)1. Turn control knob clockwise Clockwiseto the PILOT position.1. Remove front panel (see Figure 10,page 7).2. Follow steps 1 through 5 under Light-ing Instructions.3. With control knob pressed in, strikematch. Hold match to pilot until pi-lot lights.4. Keep control knob pressed in for 30seconds after pilot is lit. After 30 sec-onds, release control knob.5. Replace front panel.4. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out anygas. Then smell for gas, includingnear the floor. If you smell gas,STOP! Follow “B” in the safety in-formation at the top of page 16. If youdon’t smell gas, go to the next step.5. Press in control knob and turn coun-terclockwise C-clockwise to the PILOTposition. Keep control knob pressedin for five (5) seconds (see Figure 16,page 16).Note: You may be running thisheater for the first time after hook-ing up to gas supply. If so, the con-trol knob may need to be pressed infor 30 seconds. This will allow air tobleed from the gas system.• If control knob does not pop upwhen released, contact a qualifiedservice person or gas supplier forrepairs.6. With control knob pressed in, pushdown and release ignitor button. Thiswill light pilot. The pilot is attachedto the front of burner. The pilot canbe seen through the glass panel. Ifneeded, keep pressing ignitor buttonuntil pilot lights.OPERATINGHEATERContinuedThermocouplePilotBurnerIgnitorElectrodeFigure 17 - PilotCAUTION: Do not try to adjustheating levels by using themanual shutoff valve.7. Keep control knob pressed in for 30seconds after lighting pilot. After 30seconds, release control knob.• If control knob does not pop upwhen released, contact a qualifiedservice person or gas supplier forrepairs.Note: If pilot goes out, repeat steps3 through 7.8. Turn control knob counterclockwiseC-clockwise to the HIGH position. Themain burner should light. Set controlknob to any heat level between HIGHand LOW. To turn control knob fromHIGH to a lower setting, press in thecontrol knob and turn counterclock-wise C-clockwise .Note: Both HIGH and LOW arelocked positions. You must press incontrol knob before turning it fromthese positions.LIGHTINGINSTRUCTIONSOFFHIGHPILOTLOWIGNITORIgnitor Button Control KnobFigure 16 - Control Knob In The OFFPosition1. STOP! Read the safety information,page 9, column 3.2. Make sure manual shutoff valve isfully open.3. Turn control knob clockwise Clockwiseto the OFF position.Note: If pilot does not stay lit, referto Troubleshooting, pages 12 through14. Also contact a qualified serviceperson or gas supplier for repairs.Until repairs are made, light pilotwith match. To light pilot with match,see Manual Lighting Procedure.TO TURN OFF GASTO APPLIANCEMANUAL LIGHTINGPROCEDURE