www.desatech.com 117437-01D0OFFPILOTONOPERATING FIREPLACEMANUAL IGNITION SySTEMFOR YOUR SAFETYREAD BEFORE LIGHTINGWARNING: If you do not fol-low these instructions exactly,a fire or explosion may resultcausing property damage, per-sonal injury or loss of life.A. This appliance is equipped with an igni-tion device which automatically lightsthe pilot. Do not light pilot by hand.B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all aroundthe appliance area for gas. Be sure tosmell next to the floor because somegas is heavier than air and will settleon the floor.WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS• Do not try to light any appliance.• Do not touch any electric switch; donot use any phone in your building.• Immediately call your gas supplierfrom a neighbor's phone. Follow thegas supplier's instructions.• If you cannot reach your gas supplier,call the fire departmentC. Use only your hand to push in or turnthe gas control knob. Never use tools.If the knob will not push in or turnby hand, don't try to repair it, call aqualified service technician. Force orattempted repair may result in a fire orexplosion.D. Do not use this appliance if any parthas been under water. Immediately calla qualified service technician to inspectthe appliance and to replace any part ofthe control system and any gas controlwhich has been under water.LIGHTINGINSTRUCTIONS1.. STOP!. Read. the. safety. information.above... Open.lower.louver.panel.3. Turn off all electric power to the fireplace.4.. Push.in.gas.control.knob.slightly.and.turn.clockwise. .to.OFF.(see.Figure.33).5. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out anygas. Then smell for gas, including nearFigure 33 - Control Valve Millivoltthe floor. If you smell gas, STOP! Follow“B”.in.the.safety.information.above..If.you.don’t.smell.gas.go.to.the.next.step.6.. The.pilot.is.located.by.the.main.burner.and.should.not.require.accessing.for.lighting.7.. Turn.gas.control.knob.counterclockwise..to.PILOT.8.. Push.in.gas.control.knob.all.the.way.and.hold..Immediately.light.the.pilot.by.repeat-edly pressing the piezo ignitor until a flameappears..Continue.to.hold.for.about.one.(1). minute. after. the. pilot. is. lit.. Release.gas.control.knob.and.it.will.pop.up..Pilot.should remain lit. If it goes out, repeatsteps.5.through.8.•.If.gas.control.knob.does.not.pop.up.when.released, stop and immediately call yourservice.technician.or.gas.supplier.• If the pilot will not stay lit after several tries,turn.gas.control.knob.to.OFF.and.call.your.service.technician.or.gas.supplier.9. Turn on all electric power to fireplace.10..Turn.gas.control.knob.counterclockwise..to.ON.11..To.leave.pilot.lit.and.shut.off.burners.only:.turn.control.knob.clockwise. .to.the.PILOT.position..Set.wall.switch.or.remote.selector.switch.to.OFF.position.to.prevent.draining.battery.1..Close.lower.louver.panel.Gas.Control.KnobRegulator.CapPiezo IgnitorTO TURN OFF GASTO APPLIANCE1.. Open.lower.louver.panel... Set.the.wall.switch.to.“OFF”.position.or.the.HRC.selector.switch.(when.equipped).to.prevent.draining.the.battery.3.. Turn.off.all.electric.power.to.the.appliance.if.service.is.to.be.performed.4.. Push.in.gas.control.knob.slightly.and.turn.clockwise. .to.OFF.5.. Close.lower.louver.panel.6.. Close.equipment.shutoff.valve.(see.Figure.25, page 17).