www.desatech.com112462-01C 7AIR FOR COMBUSTIONVENTILATIONWARNING: This fireplace shallnot be installed in a confined spaceor unusually tight constructionunless provisions are providedfor adequate combustion and ven-tilation air. Read the following in-structions to insure proper freshair for this and other fuel-burningappliances in your home.Today’s homes are built more energy efficient thanever. New materials, increased insulation, and newconstruction methods help reduce heat loss inhomes. Home owners weather strip and caulkaround windows and doors to keep the cold air outand the warm air in. During heating months, homeowners want their homes as airtight as possible.While it is good to make your home energy effi-cient, your home needs to breathe. Fresh air mustenter your home. All fuel-burning appliances needfresh air for proper combustion and ventilation.Exhaust fans, fireplaces, clothes dryers, and fuelburning appliances draw air from the house tooperate. You must provide adequate fresh air forthese appliances. This will insure proper ventingof vented fuel-burning appliances.PROVIDING ADEQUATEVENTILATIONThe following are excerpts from National FuelGas Code. ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Section 5.3, Airfor Combustion and Ventilation.All spaces in homes fall into one of the three fol-lowing ventilation classifications:1. Unusually Tight Construction2. Unconfined Space3. Confined SpaceThe information on pages 7 through 9 will help youclassify your space and provide adequate ventilation.The air that leaks around doors and windows mayprovide enough fresh air for combustion and ven-tilation. However, in buildings of unusually tightconstruction, you must provide additional fresh air.Unusually tight construction is defined asconstruction where:a. walls and ceilings exposed to the out-side atmosphere have a continuouswater vapor retarder with a rating ofone perm (6 x 10 -11 kg per pa-sec-m2 )or less with openings gasketed orsealed andb. weather stripping has been added onopenable windows and doors andc. caulking or sealants are applied to ar-eas such as joints around window anddoor frames, between sole plates andfloors, between wall-ceiling joints, be-tween wall panels, at penetrations forplumbing, electrical, and gas lines, andat other openings.If your home meets all of these threecriteria, you must provide additionalfresh air. SeeVentilation Air From Out-doors, page 8.If your home does not meet all of thethree criteria above, proceed toDeter-mining Fresh-Air Flow For Fireplace Lo-cation, page 8.Confined and Unconfined SpaceThe National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA54 defines a confined space as a space whose vol-ume is less than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 Btu perhour (4.8 m3 per kw) of the aggregate input ratingof all appliances installed in that space and an un-confined space as a space whose volume is notless than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 Btu per hour (4.8m 3 per kw) of the aggregate input rating of all ap-pliances installed in that space. Rooms communi-cating directly with the space in which the appli-ances are installed*, through openings not fur-nished with doors, are considered a part of theunconfined space.* Adjoining rooms are communicating only if thereare doorless passageways or ventilation grills be-tween them.