www.desatech.com 111044-01J16INSTALLATIONContinuedCONNECTING EQUIPMENTSHUTOFF VALVE TO HEATERCONTROLInstallation Items Needed• Phillips screwdriver• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas, notprovided)1. Remove fireplace screen. Remove two screwsthat hold fireplace screen in place for shipping.These screws are located near top of screen.Discard screws. Lift fireplace screen up andpull out to remove.2. Remove screws that attach branch supportto fireplace (see Figure 20). Carefully lift upbranch support and remove from fireplace (seeFigure 20).3. Route flexible gas line, included, from fireplacecontrol to equipment shutoff valve through sideor rear access holes in outer casing.NOTICE: Most building codesdo not permit concealed gasconnections. A flexible gas lineis provided to allow accessibilityfrom the fireplace (see Figure 21).The flexible gas supply line con-nection to the equipment shutoffvalve should be accessible.CAUTION: Avoid damage toregulator. Hold gas regulatorwith wrench when connecting itto gas piping and/or fittings.4. Apply pipe joint sealant lightly to male threadsof gas connector attached to flexible gas line/equipment shutoff valve (see Figure 21).5. Check all gas connections for leaks. SeeChecking Gas Connections.6. Replace branch support back into fireplace.Feed flexible gas line into fireplace base areawhile replacing branch support. Make surethe entire flexible gas line is in fireplace basearea. Reattach branch support to fireplace withscrews removed in step 2.Figure 20 - Removing Log BaseAssembly From FireplaceBranchSupportScreenScreenShippingScrewShoulderScrewFlexibleGas LineFigure 21 - Attaching Flexible Gas Lineto Equipment Shutoff ValveFlexible Gas Line fromFireplace Gas RegulatorProvided with FireplaceTo FireplaceGas Regulator Equipment ShutoffValve Provided byInstallerCHECKING GAS CONNECTIONSWARNING: Test all gas pipingand connections, internal andexternal to unit, for leaks afterinstalling or servicing. Correctall leaks at once.WARNING: Never use anopen flame to check for a leak.Apply a noncorrosive leak detec-tion fluid to all joints. bubblesforming show a leak. Correct allleaks at once.PROPANE/LPTo ExternalRegulatorNATURALTo Gas Supply