www.desatech.com113097-01L 29OPTIONAL POSITIONING OF THERMOSTAT SENSING bULbThermostatSensingBulbGas ValveAssemblyMountingBracketFigure 37 - Location of Gas ValveAssembly and Thermostat Sensing BulbFigure 38 - Adhesive-backed Mounting ClipFigure 39 - Removing ThermostatSensing BulbThermostat ScrewRetainingClampThermostatSensingBulbCapillaryAdhesive-backedMounting ClipThermostatSensing BulbFigure 40 - Locating Thermostat SensingBulb on Masonry FireplaceFigure 41 - Locating Thermostat SensingBulb on Factory-built Metal FireplaceAdhesive-backedMounting ClipThermostatSensing BulbAdhesive-backedMounting ClipThermostatSensing BulbGlass DoorsFigure 42 - Installing Thermostat SensingBulb Behind Glass DoorsFOR MASONRY AND FACTORY-BUILT METAL FIREPLACEIf your log set cycles to pilot, but the roomtemperature drops to a lower than idealcomfort level before the log set comes backon, you may want to reposition the thermostatsensing bulb.The thermostat sensing bulb is located near thegas valve assembly on the mounting bracket.This location allows the thermostat to keep theroom temperature at an ideal comfort level formost fireplace applications. For positioningthe thermostat sensing bulb elsewhere, anadhesive-backed mounting clip is available.Tools needed: 1/4" hex driver or socket1. Remove logs. Locate the gas valve as-sembly and thermostat sensing bulb (seeFigure 37).2. With 1/4" hex driver or socket, loosen thethermostat screw. Carefully slide the ther-mostat sensing bulb out of the retainingclamp (see Figure 39).Note: Do not remove the screw. Make sureyou tighten the screw after removing thethermostat sensing bulb.IMPORTANT: Do not force or bend thethermostat sensing bulb or capillary.3. The thermostat sensing bulb may be locatedto the lower right front side of fireplace.Determine location of sensing bulb, but donot mount sensing bulb until step 4. If youhave a masonry fireplace, see Figure 40for location. If you have a factory-builtmetal fireplace, see Figure 41 for location.If your fireplace has glass doors, positionsensing bulb directly behind door gap onright bottom side (see Figure 42).4. The mounting clip must be a minimumof 3" from bottom of fireplace to preventcrimping of capillary. Once you havedecided on a location, clean the area