16104887UNVENTED NATURAL GAS FIREPLACELFP33NRLIGHTINGINSTRUCTIONSOPERATINGFIREPLACEFOR YOUR SAFETYREAD BEFORELIGHTINGWARNING: If you do not fol-low these instructions exactly, afire or explosion may result caus-ing property damage, personalinjury or loss of life.A. This appliance has a pilot which mustbe lighted by hand. When lighting thepilot, follow these instructions exactly.B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell allaround the appliance area for gas. Besure to smell next to the floor becausesome gas is heavier than air and willsettle on the floor.WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELLGAS• Do not try to light any appliance.• Do not touch any electric switch;do not use any phone in your building.• Immediately call your gas supplierfrom a neighbor’s phone. Followthe gas supplier’s instructions.• If you cannot reach your gas sup-plier, call the fire department.C. Use only your hand to push in or turnthe gas control knob. Never use tools.If the knob will not push in or turnby hand, don’t try to repair it, call aqualified service technician or gassupplier. Force or attempted repairmay result in a fire or explosion.D. Do not use this appliance if any parthas been under water. Immediatelycall a qualified service technician toinspect the appliance and to replaceany part of the control system andany gas control which has been un-der water.WARNING: You must operatethis heater with the fireplacescreen in place. Make sure fire-place screen is in place beforerunning heater.NOTICE: During initial operationof new heater, burning logs willgive off a paper-burning smell.Open damper or window to ventsmell. This will only last a fewhours.1. STOP! Read the safety information,column 1.2. Make sure manual shutoff valve isfully open.3. Set switch to OFF position.4. Press in and turn control knob clock-wise to the OFF position.5. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out anygas. Then smell for gas, includingnear the floor. If you smell gas,STOP! Follow “B” in the safety in-formation. If you don’t smell gas, goto the next step.6. Press in and turn control knob coun-terclockwise to the PILOTposition. Press in control knob forfive (5) seconds (see Figure 36).WARNING: Burners will comeon automatically within oneminute when the selector switchis in the ON position after thepilot is lit.CAUTION: Do not try to adjustheating levels by using themanual shutoff valve.Note: You may be running thisheater for the first time after hook-ing up to gas supply. If so, the con-trol knob may need to be pressed infor 30 seconds or more. This will al-low air to bleed from the gas system.7. With control knob pressed in, pressand release ignitor button. This willlight pilot. The pilot is attached to thefront burner. If needed, keep press-ing ignitor button until pilot lights.Note: If pilot does not stay lit, con-tact a qualified service person or gassupplier for repairs. Until repairs aremade, light pilot with match. To lightpilot with match, see Manual Light-ing Procedure on page 17.8. Keep control knob pressed in for 30seconds after lighting pilot. After 30seconds, release control knob.• If control knob does not pop outwhen released, contact a qualifiedservice person or gas supplier forrepairs.Note: If pilot goes out, repeat steps4 through 8.9. Slightly push in and turn controlknob counterclockwise tothe ON position.10. Wait one minute and switch selectorswitch to the ON position to lightburners.11. Set flame adjustment knob to anylevel between HI and LO.OFFPILOTONLOIHAUTOONOFFFigure 36 - Control Knob and Ignitor Button Location (Shown as Supplied,No Control Options)Control KnobIgnitor ButtonSelector Switch in OFF PositionFlame AdjustmentKnobContinued