13107063OWNER’S MANUALOFFPILOTONHILOOFFPILOTONHILOOFFPILOTONHILOINSTALLATIONContinuedWARNING: After installationand periodically thereafter, checkto ensure that no flame comes incontact with any log. With theheater set to High, check to see ifflames contact any log. If so, re-position logs according to thelog installation instructions in thismanual. Flames contacting logswill create soot.WARNING: Failure to positionthe parts in accordance with thesediagrams or failure to use onlyparts specifically approved withthis heater may result in propertydamage or personal injury.INSTALLING LOGSCAUTION: Do not remove thewarning and instruction labelsattached to the heater base as-sembly. These markings containimportant warranty information.Each log is marked with a number. Thesenumbers will help you identify the log wheninstalling. It is very important to install theselogs exactly as instructed. Do not modifylogs. Only use logs supplied with heater.1. Place the base of the middle log (#1) inthe U-shaped slots of the grate base.The cutout on the right of the middlelog should fit over the burner (see Fig-ure 21). Make sure the front of themiddle log is resting on the tabs of thegrate base and the cutout area is cen-tered over the burner “U” bend.2. Locate pegs on the bottom of back log(#2). Slide these pegs into the holes inthe grate base behind the burner (seeFigure 22).3. Locate the notches in the bottom of thefront log (#3). Place the front log onthe grate fingers. Make sure the notchesof the front log line up with the gratefingers (see Figure 23).4. Place crossover log (#4) onto the peg(right) on back log (#2) and into the re-cess of the middle log (#1) (see Figure 24).Figure 21 - Installing Middle Log (#1)Figure 22 - Installing Back Log (#2)Figure 24 - Installing Crossover Log (#4)Figure 23 - Installing Front Log (#3)Middle Log (#1)"U"-shapedCutout inBaseBurnerHole in BaseBack Log (#2)PegPegFront Log (#3)Grate FingersNotchesCrossover Log (#4)PegRecessNotchesFigure 25 - Installing Fireplace ScreenScrews forMounting ScreenWARNING: You must operatethis fireplace with the fireplacescreen in place. Make sure fire-place screen is in place beforerunning fireplace.Install fireplace screen by slipping notchesof fireplace screen over screws on front offireplace (see Figure 25).INSTALLING SCREENContinuedOFFPILOTONHILO