www.desatech.com 111076-01FMAINTENANCEContinuedCLEANING vIEWING SCREENClean viewing screen with an alcohol based,nonabrasive, residue free cleaner (premoist-ened hand wipes are ideal). Do not use glasscleaners with ammonium, abrasive scrubs ordegreaser solvents of any kind.ACCESSING IMAGING UNIT FORREPLACEMENTThe imaging unit can be removed from insidethe firebox for servicing or replacement:1. Follow steps under Accessing ImagingUnit, on page 18.2. Remove 4 hex screws on lower louverpanel and detach louver assembly fromfront face (see Figure 38).3. Rotate top edge of lower frame rail inwardand lift upward until locking tabs detachfrom front face (see Figure 38).4. Slide entire imaging unit forward and liftout through front opening (see Figure 39,page 23).Note: An additional 3 feet of harness is tuckedbehind imager to permit removal without dis-connecting any control wiring.3. If upper back cabinet ribbons need re-placing, remove 4 Phillips screws holdingcorresponding bottom and top hangerbrackets (see Figure 37, page 21).4. Remove any loose or damaged ribbonmaterial.5. Cut an 18” strip of reflective ribbon andposition top end about an inch above topbracket position (see Figure 37, page 21).Note: Ribbon material should be ap-plied with reflective side up, should notbe twisted or tangled, and should hangslightly loose to allow free movement.If additional parts are required, see Re-placement Parts, page 23.6. Replace top hanger bracket using 2 Phil-lips screws removed in step 2 and tightenuntil reflective ribbon is held in place.7. Replace bottom hanger bracket using 2remaining Phillips screws to secure lowerend of reflective ribbon.8. If replacing reflective ribbons located inbase, remove screws and washers atdamaged ends of ribbon.9. Cut a 9" long strip of ribbon and apply acrosseach ribbon support bracket with shiny sidefacing up (see Figure 37, page 21).10. Secure ribbon to brackets by replacingeach washer at end of the ribbon and re-threading screws through the ribbon intoeach hole located on support brackets.11. If replacing top reflective ribbons on basecover, cut a 3" section of ribbon and splitdown the middle. With shiny side up, attachwith cellophane tape into rear edge of basecover opening (see Figure 37, page 21).12. Readjust flame pennants (if removed). SeeServicing Flame Pennants, page 19.13. Reassemble imager. See AccessingImaging Unit, page 18.14. Center log bed over opening betweenviewing panel screen and grate.15. Cover remaining hearth area with 1/4" oflava rock (provided), if desired.Figure 38 - Removing Lower LouverPanel and Frame RailLower PanelLowerFrameRailLower FrameRailLocking Tab