www.desatech.com 116239-01G24pRESSURE TESTING FIREpLACE GASCONNECTIONS1. Open equipment shutoff valve (see Figure 34,page 23).2. Open propane/LP supply tank valve forpropane/LP fireplace or main gas valvelocated on or near gas meter for natural gasfireplace.3. Make sure control knob of fireplace is in theOFF position.4. Check all joints from equipment shutoff valveto gas valve (see Figure 35 or Figure 36, page23). Apply noncorrosive leak detection fluidto all joints. Bubbles forming show a leak.Correct all leaks at once.5. Light fireplace (see Operating Fireplace, page27). Check all other internal joints for leaks.6. Turn off fireplace (see To Turn Off Gas to Ap-pliance, page 28).INSTALLING OpTIONAL WALLMOUNT SWITCH - GWMS21. Connect one terminal of 25 ft. wire for the wallswitch to the TPTH terminal on the valve. Con-nect remaining wire terminal to the TH terminalon the valve. Make sure that the wire terminalsare in the positions on the unit as pictured inFigure 37. If wires are not connected as shownthe switch will not work.2. Route the 25 ft. wire through openings pro-vided on the sides of the burner system to aconvenient location to mount your switch.3. Connect one bare wire end to each of theterminals of the GWMS2 wall switch.4. Install the wallswitch and cover in the wall.FIREPLACEINSTALLATIONContinuedFigure 37 - Connecting Wall Switch toControl ValveTo WallSwitchAccessoryINSTALLING OpTIONAL WIRELESSHAND-HELD REMOTE CONTROLHRC100 AND HRC200 SERIESNOTICE: Use only alkaline bat-teries (not included).Installing Remote Receiver1. Open bottom louver and locate the switchbracket on the right.2. Unscrew the switch bracket. Lean bracketforward so you are able to access the back ofthe remote receiver.3. Locate the battery clip mounted on the back ofthe receiver. Slide a 9-volt alkaline battery (notincluded) through the clip (see Figure 38).4. Attach the terminal wires to the battery.5. Connect wires from receiver to TH and TPTHto control valve (see Figure 39).6. Replace the switch bracket.Figure 38 - Attaching Alkaline Battery toReceiverFigure 39 - Control Valve TerminalsTo OptionalRemoteAccessory9-VoltAlkalineBatteryReceiverTerminalWiresBattery ClipTo WallThermostat