www.desatech.com114184-01A 5OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS1. Check heater for damage. If heater is damaged,promptly inform dealer where you boughtheater.2. Follow all of the safety and operating pre-cautions.3. Check the "O" ring on the POL before eachuse. Replace the "O" ring if there is any signof wear or damage.4. Make sure heater regulator knob is in the"OFF" position.5. 30,000 Btu Models Only Attach the heater tothe guard on the propane/LP cylinder with thesupport arm on the inside of the guard and boltsthrough two holes in the guard (see Figure 5).Tighten the support arm bracket into place us-ing the wing nuts provided.6. For All Models Connect the POL fittingat regulator to the propane/LP cylinder byrotating the POL nut counter clockwise intothe propane/LP cylinder's valve outlet andsecurely tighten with a wrench.WARNING: Attach heater inupright position. Never attachheater in a horizontal position.This could lead to dangerousflare-ups or fire.7. Securely tighten all gas connections.8. Open the cylinder's gas valve and check allconnections for leaks. Apply mixture of liquidsoap and water to gas joints. Bubbles formingshow a leak that must be corrected. DO NOTUSE A FLAME.Figure 5 - Attaching Support Arm andRegulator to Propane/LP TankRegulatorSupportArmBoltSupport ArmBracketRed Buttonon SafetyValveTO START HEATERWARNING: When lightingthe heater DO NOT look overtop of heater (reflector). Standto the side of the heater duringignition. Do not stand or haveany part of your body in frontof the heater.WARNING: MAKE SURETHERE IS NO OPEN FLAME INTHE AREA. Fully open the valveon the propane/LP cylinder.Read all lighting instructions before attemptingto ignite heater.1. Turn the heater regulator knob counterclock-wise to the "HI" position.2. Repeatedly push and release the piezo ignitor(dual burner), or place a lighted match near theface of the heating element (mesh screen) of theburner you are lighting, using the hole locatedon the side of the reflector. See Figure 6.CAUTION: Do not light at theorifice.3. Depress the red button on the safety valveadmitting gas to the burner (see Figure 6).WARNING: Do not depress redvalve button before repeatedlyactivating the piezo or insertingmatch.Figure 6 - Lighting Heater With a Match