www.desatech.com109034-01G 11Nail OnlyOuterPerimeterof FlashingStorm CollarUnderlap Shinglesat BottomOverlapShingles Topand Sides OnlyFigure 15 - Flashing InstallationFigure 16 - Storm CollarChimneyPipeWaterproofCaulkStormCollar FlashingStorm Collar Installation (SC1 or SC2)Place storm collar over pipe and slide downuntil it is snug against open edge of flashing(see Figure 16). Use SC1 for all round ter-minations and SC2 for all terminations withslip sections. Apply waterproof caulk aroundperimeter of collar to provide a proper seal.Terminations/Spark ArrestorFireplace system must be terminated withlisted round top or chase terminations. In anycase, refer to installation instructions suppliedwith termination. Terminations approved forthis fireplace are RT-8DM and RTL-8DM thatcan be used for flashing or chase and ET-8DM, ETO-8DM, ETL-8DM and ETLO-8DMfor chase style termination only. Figure 17shows an RTL-8DM round top termination.CAUTION: Do not seal open-ings on the rooftop flashing. Fol-low the installation instructionsprovided with the terminationbeing used.FlashingConeVenTing inSTallaTionContinuedAttach BracketTabs toOuter Pipe(3 Places)Secure withScrewsRTL-8DM Level of FlueGas OutletCaulkCollarFlashingUnderlap ShinglesBottom OnlyFigure 17 - TerminationOverlapShingles Topand SidesTerminations with 16" slip pipe sections areavailable. RTT-8DM and RTTL-8DM areapproved for flashing installations. Whenneeded, these adjustable terminations maybe used in combination with pipe assemblyto achieve correct chimney height.Note: In the rare instance there is a problemwith side driven rain or wind or chimney isnot drafting properly, an ADS-8DM (Anti-DraftShield) can be used with round terminations.Flue Pipe ofRTL-8DMInside InnerPipe ofChimneyCHASE INSTALLATIONSInstructions for chase installations are includ-ed with chase style termination chosen. In amultiple chase installation, be sure to provideadequate distance between terminations toprevent smoke spillage from one terminationto another. We suggest that terminations beseparated at least 24", center to center andstacked at a vertical height difference of 18"(see Figure 18).Note: If a decorative shroud is to be installed,contact manufacturer for specifications.18" MIN. TYP.24" MIN.24" MIN.Figure 18 - Multiple Chase Installation