www.desatech.com 111923-01D10RequiredVertical (V) Vertical Pipe Horizontal (H)*431/2" min. None 30" max.541/2" min. 1 ft. 48" max.661/2" min. 2 ft. 60" max.781/2" min. 3 ft. 84" max.901/2" min. 4 ft. 20' max.Figure 15 - Horizontal Termination Configuration for CornerInstallation Using One 90° ElbowSquareTerminationWallFirestopNot to Exceed(H) LimitsAs Required for (V)See Chart for PipeSection Required45°Elbow90° Elbow90° ElbowSquareTerminationWallFirestop45° Elbow12" Minimum*Ground Floor Corner VentingNot to Exceed(H) LimitsSquare TerminationVertical (V) Horizontal (H)32 3/4" min. 17" max.Horizontal HighWind SquareTerminationWall Firestop45°ElbowCORNER INSTALLATIONRecommended Applications:• Corner ground floor installation• Ground floor installation where pipe vents horizontally throughwall (over 12" horizontal pipe)• Basement installation where one foot clearance from ground totermination is possibleVENTING INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSContinuedAdjustablePipe 12" Max.Figure 14 - Horizontal Termination Configuration for Squareand Round Terminations45° ElbowWallFirestopHorizontalRoundTerminationExterior Portion ofWall Firestop (RoundTermination Only)Round TerminationHorizontal termination ConfigurationsFigures 14 through 18 show different configurations and alterna-tives for venting with horizontal termination. Each figure includesa chart with critical minimum and maximum dimensions whichMUST be met. IMPORTANT: If using a venting configuration ofonly horizontal venting with no vertical run, a 1/4" rise for every12" of run toward the termination is required.NOtICE: Do not seal termination cap to vent pipe. Cap mustbe removable for vent inspection and maintenance.WARNING: Never run vent downward as this maycause excessive temperatures which could cause afire. Operation of improperly installed and maintainedventing system could result in serious injury, propertydamage or loss of life.GROUND FLOOR INSTALLATIONRecommended Applications:• Installation using cabinet surrounds• Through the wall using round or square termination (up to 12"horizontal pipe)• NOT FOR CORNER INSTALLATION