www.desatech.com116192-01G 23Figure 33 - Connecting Flexible Gas Lineto Millivolt ValveFlexible Gas LineDo NOT KinkEquipmentShutoff ValveTo Gas Supply(Natural)To ExternalRegulator(Propane/LP)Control ValveFIREPLACEINSTALLATIONContinuedCHECKING GAS CONNECTIONSWARNING: Test all gas pipingand connections, internal andexternal to unit, for leaks afterinstalling or servicing. Correctall leaks at once.WARNING: Never use an openflame to check for a leak. Applynoncorrosive leak detection fluidto all joints. Bubbles forming showa leak. Correct all leaks at once.pRESSURE TESTING GAS SUppLYpIpING SYSTEMTest pressures In Excess Of 1/2 pSIG(3.5 kPa)1. Disconnect fireplace and its individual equip-ment shutoff valve from gas supply pipingsystem. Pressures in excess of 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa)will damage fireplace gas regulator.2. Cap off open end of gas pipe where equipmentshutoff valve was connected.3. Pressurize supply piping system by eitheropening propane/LP supply tank valve forpropane/LP gas fireplace or opening main gasvalve located on or near gas meter for naturalgas fireplace or using compressed air.4. Check all joints of gas supply piping system.Apply noncorrosive leak detection fluid to alljoints. Bubbles forming show a leak. Correctall leaks at once.5. Reconnect fireplace and equipment shutoffvalve to gas supply. Check reconnected fittingsfor leaks.Test Pressures Equal To or Less Than1/2 PSIG (3.5 kPa)1. Close equipment shutoff valve (see Figure 34).2. Pressurize supply piping system by eitheropening propane/LP supply tank valve forpropane/LP gas fireplace or opening main gasvalve located on or near gas meter for naturalgas fireplace or using compressed air.3. Check all joints from propane/LP supply tankor gas meter to equipment shutoff valve (seeFigure 35, for propane/LP or Figure 36, fornatural gas). Apply noncorrosive leak detec-tion fluid to all joints. Bubbles forming showa leak. Correct all leaks at once.Figure 34 - Equipment Shutoff ValveOpenClosedEquipmentShutoff ValveFigure 35 - Checking Gas Joints forPropane/LP Gas FireplacePropane/LPSupply TankGas ValveEquipment Shutoff ValveFigure 36 - Checking Gas Joints forNatural Gas FireplaceGasMeterGas ValveEquipmentShutoff Valve