108661-01EFor more information, visit www.desatech.comFor more information, visit www.desatech.com18FIREPLACE INSTALLATIONContinuedFIREPLACE INSTALLATIONInstalling Optional Blower Accessories (Cont.)Figure 29 - Blower Wiring Diagram for Thermostat-ControlledModelsBlower Wiring DiagramCAUTION: Label all wires prior to disconnectionwhen servicing controls. Wiring errors can causeimproper and dangerous operation. Verify properoperation after servicing.BlueVariableFan Switch Fan Switch(N.O.)GreenWhiteOn110/115V.A.C.BlowerMotorBlackOff 12 Black3. Place the blower against the lower rear wall of the firebox outerwrapper with the exhaust port directed upward and the thermodiscpositioned up near the fireplace bottom. The thermodisc must beoriented near the fireplace bottom as shown in Figure 28 in orderto sense temperature and properly operate. The blower will beheld in position against the back wall by the magnets incorpo-rated onto the blower housing (see Figure 28).4. Be certain that all wire terminals are securely attached to ter-minals on blower motor and thermal switch, and that the screwfor the thermodisc bracket and green ground wire is tight.5. Mount the speed control box against the mounting plate pro-vided in the lower fireplace cavity by placing the plastic controlshaft forward through the round hole (see Figure 26, page 17).6. While supporting speed control, secure control shaft with locknut by pushing and turning lock nut with pliers clockwise un-til it is tight against mounting plate. Place control knob pro-vided on shaft (see Figure 26, page 17).7. Check to make sure that the power cord is completely clear of theblower wheel and that there are no other foreign objects in blowerwheel. Also double check all wire leads and make sure wire rout-ing is not pinched or in a precarious position. Correct accordingly.8. Turn on power to duplex outlet if previously turned off per thewarning in column 2, page 16.9. Plug in blower power cord to duplex outlet.10. The blower will only run when the speed control knob is in theON position and the thermal switch senses temperature afterthe fireplace begins to heat up. The blower speed can be ad-justed by rotating the control knob. To turn off, turn knob fullycounterclockwise until it clicks off. If the blower is ON andhas been running with the fireplace operating, the blower willcontinue to run for a short time after the fireplace has beenturned off. As the thermal switch cools down, the blower shutsdown automatically.11. Peel off the backing paper and stick the supplied wiring dia-gram decal on the firebox bottom approximately 12" in frontof the blower (see Figure 27, page 17).ThermodiscFigure 28 - Blower Model BKTAir Flow DirectionRoute BKTBlower ThroughThis AreaMagnetsBlowerLocationSide View Firebox BottomBlackWirePhillipsScrewBlue WireRing Terminalon Green WireWhite WireThermal SwitchThermalSwitchBracketPower CordAir FlowDirectionMagneticStrips