www.desatech.com 108662-01K14INSTALLATIONContinuedDecide which way you intend to gain accessinto the bottom rear of the firebox to installthe blower accessory. The lower front panelcan be removed easily by snapping out thefront with a flat blade screwdriver. Use cau-tion not to scratch any surfaces. Models withlouvered front panels can also be removed byinserting fingertips between slots and gentlypulling out. DO NOT FORCE. The panels areactually held in place by means of a retentiondimple embossed on the edge of removablepanels.Accessibility to the bottom on 36" and 42"models only, can also be gained through theaccess panel underneath the bottom frontrefractory brick liner. Lift the bottom frontrefractory brick liner up and out of the fireboxfloor, exposing the rectangular shaped accesspanel (see Figure 11, page 13). The sides andback refractory brick liner pieces do not haveto be removed. Lift access panel out by usingfinger holes. Blower accessory BK or BK3 cannow be installed.warninG: if there is a duplexelectrical outlet installed in theright side of the bottom of thefireplace base area (see figure12), be sure that the electricalpower to the outlet is turned offbefore proceeding with blowerinstallation. failure to do thismay result in serious injury.model bk Installation1. Attach the power cord to blower motor byfirmly pushing two female terminals at endof power cord onto two spade terminalson blower motor (see Figure 13).2. Attach green ground wire from power cordto blower housing using screw provided(see Figure 13). Tighten screws securelywith a phillips screwdriver.3. Place blower against lower rear wall offirebox outer wrapper with exhaust port di-rected upward. Depending on your model,you may have to carefully route the blowerassembly past controls and brackets andposition blower inside back opening. Theblower will be held in position against theback wall by magnets incorporated ontoblower housing (see Figure 13).4. Be certain that all wire terminals aresecurely attached to terminals on blowermotor and that the screw retaining thegreen ground wire is tight.5. Position speed control bracket over flangeon hearth pan by sliding it up betweenfirebox face and hearth pan flange, thendown until seated onto lower flange of lou-ver opening (see Figure 14, page 15).6. Mount speed control box by placing plas-tic control shaft through bottom hole onspeed control bracket. Top screw headon control box will fit inside top hole onDuplex Electrical OutletFigure 12 - Accessing Duplex ElectricalOutlet Installed in Bottom Right Side ofFireboxFigure 13 - Blower Model BKMagnetic StripsExhaustPortScrewGreenGroundWireSpadeTerminalsSide ViewFirebox BottomAir FlowDirectionBlowerInstalledAfterLowerPanelRemoved BlowerLocation Magnets