www.desatech.com 116237-01E20CAUTION: Never touch theblower wheel while in operation.9. Check to make sure that the power cord is com-pletely clear of the blower wheel and that thereare no other foreign objects in blower wheel.Turn blower on and check for operation. Turnblower off by turning knob fully counterclock-wise before continuing.10. Peel off the backing paper and stick the sup-plied wiring diagram decal on the firebox bot-tom approximately 12" in front of the blower(see Figure 27).VariableFan SwitchWhiteWhiteBlackGreenOn110/115V.A.C.BlowerMotorBlackBlackBlackOffFigure 27 - Location of Wiring DiagramDecal (Model May Vary From Illustration)Wiring Diagram Decal12" in Front of BlowerFIREPLACEINSTALLATIONContinuedModel BKT InstallationNote: When installing the BKT thermostati-cally-controlled blower, you must first secure thethermal switch bracket to the blower if it has notalready been factory installed.1. Place the green ground wire with ring terminalbetween the bottom hole on the thermal switchbracket and the top ear hole on the blower as-sembly. Insert the phillips screw into all threepieces and tighten securely (see Figure 28).2. Connect wire harness and power cord ter-minals. Connect the blue jumper wire to theblower motor terminal and the right side ter-minal of the thermal switch. Connect the blackwire to the left side of the thermal switch andthe white wire to the other remaining blowermotor terminal.Note: The power cord outer insulation sleeve mayhave to be stripped slightly to allow enough wirelength to reach and make all connections. DO NOTtrim excessive length away. Just enable enough tomake all connections securely.3. Place the blower against the lower rear wall ofthe firebox outer wrapper with the exhaust portdirected upward and the thermodisc positionedup near the fireplace bottom. The thermodiscmust be oriented near the fireplace bottom asshown in Figure 28 in order to sense tempera-ture and properly operate. The blower will beheld in position against the back wall by themagnets incorporated onto the blower housing(see Figure 28).4. Be certain that all wire terminals are securely at-tached to terminals on blower motor and thermalswitch and that the screw for the thermodiscbracket and green ground wire is tight.5. Mount the speed control box against themounting plate provided in the lower fireplacecavity by placing the plastic control shaftforward through the round hole (see Figure26, page 19).6. While supporting speed control, secure controlshaft with lock nut by pushing and turninglock nut with pliers clockwise until it is tightagainst mounting plate. Place control knobprovided on shaft (see Figure 26, page 19).ThermodiscFigure 28 - Blower Model BKTAir FlowDirectionRoute BKT BlowerThrough This Area MagnetsBlowerLocationSide View Firebox BottomBlackWirePhillipsScrewBlue WireRing Terminal onGreen WireWhite WireThermalSwitchThermalSwitchBracketPower CordAir FlowDirectionMagneticStrips