105706-01BFor more information, visit www.desatech.comFor more information, visit www.desatech.com2121BURNER FLAME ADJUSTMENTThe air shutter, located at the underside of the main burner (see Figure48), has been factory preset to the proper air-to-gas ratio which resultsin an even, clean burning flame across the burner (see Figure 49). Ifreadjustment is necessary, you can restore the proper air-to-gas ratioby loosening the air shutter screw and rotating the air shutter until theproper flame setting is achieved (the shutter's normal setting is “fullopened”. Do not forget to retighten the air shutter screws.Figure 49 - Burner Flame PatternsCORRECTINCORRECTCLOSE SHUTTERINCORRECTOPEN SHUTTERShort, Sharp, Blowing FlameLong, Blue Flame with Yellow TipsLong, Uneven, Yellow FlameFigure 48 - Connecting Venturi and OrificeAir Shutter Orifice BurnerFirebox BottomVenturi TubeBurner Gas LineBURNER FLAME ADJUSTMENTBurner RemovalOPERATING GUIDELINES AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOPERATING GUIDELINESAND MAINTENANCEINSTRUCTIONSWhen lit for the first time, the appliance may emit a slight odor for about16 - 24 hours. This is normal and is due to the “curing” of the logs andthe “burn-in” of internal paints and lubricants used in the manufacturingprocess. Keep compartments, logs, burners, and area surrounding thelogs clean by vacuuming or brushing at least twice a year. Temporaryremoval of the log set may ease the cleaning of the burner and pilotassembly. In cleaning, take care not to alter the pilot or burner location.Be sure appliance is cool before each maintenance session.CAUTION: The appliance and logs can get veryhot - Handle only when cool.WARNING: Turn off gas and wall switch beforeservicing appliance. Any safety screen or guard re-moved for servicing the appliance must be replacedprior to operating the appliance.WARNING: Make certain wires and gas lines arenot touching the underside of the firebox.WARNING: Children and adults should be alertedto the hazards of high surface temperatures, and tostay away from the appliance to avoid burns or cloth-ing ignition. Young children should be carefully super-vised when they are in the same room as the appliance.WARNING: Have a qualified agency periodicallyinspect the vent system at the start of each heatingseason, for any obstruction which may hinder itsnormal operation. Never obstruct the flow of com-bustion and ventilation air. Keep the front of theappliance clear of all obstacles and materials.CAUTION: Label all wires prior to disconnectionwhen servicing controls. Wiring errors can causeimproper and dangerous operation.For further operating guidelines, contact your authorized dealer.BURNER REMOVALCAUTION: Before proceeding, make sure theentire unit is cool.1. Remove the top and bottom louvers and screen. Open the glassdoor (left or right side).2. Carefully remove the log set.3. Remove the screw that attaches the burner to the bracket.4. Slide the burner towards the front of the unit, lift, and removefrom the firebox.5. To reinstall the burner, slide the burner towards the rear of theunit and secure burner to bracket with screw.CAUTION: Make certain the orifice is inside theventuri tube's air shutter, see Figure 48.6. Replace the log set, close door with latches, and attach screenand louvers.