www.desatech.com 116208-01C125. Attach firebox to wall studs using nails orwood screws through holes in nailing flange(see Figure 8).6. If using an optional perimeter trim kit, installthe trim after final finishing and/or paintingof wall. See instructions included with trimaccessory for attaching trim.7. Install and properly test gas log heater. Followinstallation instructions included with the vent-free gas log heater that is being installed.IMPORTANT: When finishing your firebox,combustible materials such as wall board, gypsumboard, sheet rock, drywall, plywood, etc. may bebutted up next to the sides and top of the firebox.Combustible materials should never overlap thefirebox front facing.WARNING: Do not allow anycombustible materials to overlapthe firebox front facing.IMPORTANT: Noncombustible materials suchas brick, tile, etc. may overlap the front facing,but should never cover any necessary openingslike louvered slots.WARNING: Do not allownoncombustible materials tocover any necessary openingslike louvered slots.INSTALLATIONContinuedFigure 8 - Attaching Firebox to WallStudsNailingFlangesNails or WoodScrewsWARNING: Use only non-combustible mortar or adhe-sives when overlapping the frontfacing with noncombustiblefacing material.INSTALLING FIREBOX USINGOPTIONAL ACCESSORY MANTELSWARNING: A qualified ser-vice person must install firebox.Follow all local codes.This firebox may be installed using a cabinetmantel accessory against a wall in your home.The firebox and cabinet mantel can be installeddirectly on the floor. A trim kit is included withthe mantel accessories. Follow instructions withmantel for installation.INSTALLING GAS LINENOTICE: A qualified service per-son must connect heater to gassupply. Follow all local codes.IMPORTANT: See Connecting to Gas Supply inyour log set owner’s manual for details on gashookup.You may run the gas line from either side or back ofthe firebox (see Figure 9, page 13). Decide whichside you want to run the gas line from.Note: This is one option for installing shutoffvalve. Check local codes for equipment shutoffvalve location requirements.Locate the recessed knockout in one of the fire-brick liners (see Figures 9 and 10, page 13). Firmlytap the center of the knockout with a chisel until itis released. Carefully chisel the rough edges of thehole you have made to smooth edges. This holewill line up with the hole in the outer casing.CAUTION: Do not use exces-sive force to remove the knock-out. Too much force may damagethe firebrick concrete insert.