www.desatech.com111921-01E 29ACCESSORIESNOtICE: All accessories may not be available for allfireplace models.Purchase these fireplace accessories from your local retailer. If theycan not supply these accessories, call DESA at 1-866-672-6040. forinformation. You can also write to the address listed on the backpage of this manual.BRICK LINER KIt(Not Shown)bL42DA - Textured RefractorybL42DSA - Standard RefractorybL42DHA - Textured Refractory HerringbonebL42DHSA - Standard Refractory HerringboneThis brick liner adds a touch of style to your direct-vent fireplace.Complete installation and operation instructions included in thismanual.FLExIBLE GAS LINE CONNECtOR - GA5081(Not Shown)For all models.PROPANE/NAtURAL GAS CONvERSION KIt(Not Shown)PCDM-42C - Propane/LP GasNCDM-42C - Natural GasFACE/LOUvER PANEL KIt(Not Shown)FPD42 - Filligree Louver, BlackFPD42b - Filligree Louver, Brushed BrassFPD42P - Filligree Louver, PlatinumFPD42Pb - Filligree Louver, Polished BrassROLLED LOUVER TRIM kIT(Not Shown)LT42b - Brushed BrassLT42P - PlatinumLT42Pb - Polished BrassDEFLECtION HOOD(Not Shown)HD42 - Black (2" Brow)PERIMETER TRIM kIT (Not Shown)PT42 - BlackPT42b - Brushed BrassPT42P - PlatinumPT42Pb - Polished BrassMANUAL bLOWER kIT - bkManual variable control blower accessory provides better heat dis-tribution. Complete installation and operation instructions includedin this manual.RECEIvER AND HAND-HELD tHERMOStAtREMOtE CONtROL KIt - HRC200 SERIESAllows the fireplace to be operated in a manually or thermostati-cally-controlled mode. You can adjust your heat settings and turnthe fireplace on or off without leaving the comfort of your easychair. A wall-mounted docking station is included.WALL MOUNtED tHERMOStAt CONtROLkIT - GWMT1 (Not Shown)Allows easy wall access for thermostatic operation of your fire-place.tHERMOStAtICALLY- CONtROLLEDbLOWER kIT - bkTProvides better heat distribution. Blower turns off and on automati-cally, as needed. Complete installation and operation instructionsincluded in this manual.RECEIvER AND HAND-HELD ON/OFFREMOtE CONtROL KIt - HRC100 SERIESAllows the fireplace to be turned on and off conveniently withoutleaving the comfort of your easy chair. A wall-mounted dockingstation is included.