8100749Note: Venting/chimney materials are not supplied with heater.VENTING HEATERINSTALLINGHEATERContinuedWARNINGWhen venting this heater, follow the safety informationlisted below.• Never vent heater to another room or inside a build-ing. Only vent heater to the outdoors.• Do not vent heater exhaust to a chimney or flueserving another solid-fuel-burning or gas appliance.• We recommend you use flues classified as prefabri-cated or masonry all-fuel chimney or type-B vent. SeeVent Types, page 10.• If using old vent, check vent for soot, creosote, andloose particles. If vent is damaged, repair or replaceit before using heater.• Extend the vertical section of vent pipe at least threefeet above roof penetration.• Extend the vertical section of vent pipe at least twofeet above the highest point of any roof within tenfeet.• The horizontal run of vent pipe should rise at least1/4 inch for each foot of run.• Support the vent pipe at least every five feet along itslength. Do not use combustible materials to supportvent pipe.• Never extend vent pipe horizontally through outsidewall and terminate. You must connect a vertical runof vent pipe to the horizontal run. The vertical runmust be at least 25% longer than the horizontal run.• Install vent or chimney cap that is approved for usewith vented gas room heaters.• Do not use vent pipe smaller in diameter than that ofthe heater draft hood outlet.• Do not use dampers in the vent pipes.• Vertical height of vent must be greater than five feetabove vent connection at draft hood.WARNINGA qualified service person must install the venting systemfor this heater. If venting system is not properly installedand maintained, the vent safety shut-off system will pre-vent the heater from running. Follow all local codes.WARNINGThis heater has a vent safety shut-off system. Thissystem shuts off the heater gas supply if you do notvent heater properly or the venting system is blocked.Do not operate heater if not properly vented. Do nottamper with the vent safety shut-off system. Carbonmonoxide poisoning and death may result.