3901265OWNER’S MANUALPRODUCTIDENTIFICATIONFigure 1 - Product Identification (VVDR24 Shown)OPTIONALPRODUCTFEATURESON/OFF SAFETY VALVE/PILOT KIT AND PROPANE/LPCONVERSIONAn optional valve/safety pilot kit with apiezo ignitor is available for this appliance.This system requires no matches, batteries,or other sources to light. You must use thisoptional system for LP conversion. See Ac-cessories, page 20.REMOTE CONTROL READY(MILLIVOLT) SAFETY VALVE/PILOT KITAn optional millivolt valve/safety pilot kitwith a piezo ignitor is available for thisappliance. This system requires no matches,batteries, or other sources to light. Thissystem may be connected to a wall switch orhand-held wireless remote control. See Ac-cessories, page 20.REMOTE CONTROLACCESSORIESThere is an optional hand-held ON/OFFremote control that can be purchased sepa-rately for this log set. You must use themillivolt valve/safety pilot kit to use remoteaccessories with this appliance. See Acces-sories, page 20.A wall switch is also available for thisappliance. You must use the millivolt valve/safety pilot kit to use the wall switch withthis appliance. See Accessories, page 20.UNPACKINGCAUTION: Do not remove themetal data plates from the burnerpan. The data plates contain im-portant product information.1. Remove logs, hearth kit, pan materials,and hardware from carton.2. Remove all protective packaging ap-plied to logs and base for shipment.3. Check all items for any shipping dam-age. If damaged, promptly informdealer where you bought the product.LOCAL CODESInstall and use log set with care. Follow alllocal codes. In the absence of local codes, usethe latest edition of The National Fuel GasCode ANS Z223.1, also known as NFPA 54*.*Available from:American National Standards Institute, Inc.1430 BroadwayNew York, NY 10018National Fire Protection Association, Inc.Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02269GrateBurnerPanBurnerManifoldBurner InletFittingBurnerClampGrate StepsHearth Kit Model ______________________________________Serial Number ________________________________________Log Set Model ________________________________________