Some cleaning chemicals are harmful to the appliance andshould not be used. Use of these will invalidate your guarantee.Do not use: Alcohol and strong acid mixes, solvent (acetone)and oil based products, alkali bleach mixes, air fresheners,aroma oils, scented oils, hot water, brushes, abrasive materials,etc. Please do not put in a dishwasher or close to a fire.Cleaning –important!Cleaning procedures must be routinely followedto ensure that the humidifier continues to operateefficiently.Cleaning regimes are designed to help preventthe build up of scale within the machine, whichwill be more prominent in hard water areas.Failure to adhere to the cleaning regimesmay invalidate the warranty.Other cleaning solutions are available. Please check theseare suitable for use with plastics and then use in accordancewith manufacturer’s instructions. Examples of other suitablecleaning materials are descalers, foam soaps without anantibacterial agent, and vinegar.30 gramsof citric acid1 litreof waterCleaningsolution+ =Make your own cleaning solution10