EAW SM129zi Specifications
Eastern Acoustic Works One Main Street Whitinsville, MA 01588 tel 800 992 5013 / 508 234 6158 fax 508 234 8251 www.eaw.comEAW products are continually improved. All specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. Part Number: RD0305 (A) SM129zi May 2005S M 1 2 9 z i S p e c i f i c a t i o n s group · GINPUT PANELPIN 1--...--PIN 1+...+ PIN 2--...NCPIN 2+...NCWHITINSVILLE, MA USAS/NSM129ziPIN 1--...--PIN 1+...+ PIN 2--...NCPIN 2+...NCWHITINSVILLE, MA USASM129ziNOTESTABULAR DATA1. Measurement/Data Processing Systems: Primary - FChart: proprietary EAW software; Secondary - Brüel & Kjær 2012.2. Microphone Systems: Earthworks M30; Brüel & Kjær 41333. Measurements: Dual channel FFT; length: 32 768 samples; sample rate: 48 kHz; logarithmic sine wave sweep.4. Measurement System Qualification (includes all uncertainties): SPL: accuracy +/-0.2 dB @ 1 kHz, precision +/-0.5 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz, resolution 0.05 dB; Frequency: accuracy +/-1 %,precision +/-0.1 Hz, resolution the larger of 1.5 Hz or 1/48 octave; Time: accuracy +/-10.4 μs, precision +/-0.5 μs, resolution 10.4 μs; Angular: accuracy +/-1°, precision +/-0.5°, resolution 0.5°.5. Environment: Measurements time-widowed and processed to eliminate room effects, approximating an anechoic environment. Data processed as anechoic or fractional space, as noted.6. Measurement Distance: 7.46 m. Acoustic responses represent complex summation of the subsystems at 20 m. SPL is referenced to other distances using the Inverse Square Law.7. Volts: Measured rms value of the test signal.8. Watts: Per audio industry practice, “loudspeaker watts” are calculated as voltage squared divided by rated nominal impedance. Thus, these are not True Watt units of energy as defined byInternational Standard.9. SPL: (Sound Pressure Level) Equivalent to the average level of a signal referenced to 0 dB SPL = 20 microPascals.10. Subsystem: This lists the transducer(s) and their acoustic loading for each passband. Sub = Subwoofer, LF = Low Frequency, MF = Mid Frequency, HF = High Frequency.11. Operating Mode: User selectable configurations. Between system elements, a comma (,) = separate amplifier channels; a slash (/) = single amplifier channel. DSP = Digital Signal Processor.IMPORTANT: To achieve the specified performance, the listed external signal processing must be used with EAW-provided settings.12. Operating Range: Range where the processed Frequency Response stays within -10 dB SPL of the power averaged SPL within this range; measured on the geometric axis. Narrow banddips are excepted.13. Nominal Beamwidth: Design angle for the -6 dB SPL points, referenced to 0 dB SPL as the highest level.14. Axial Sensitivity: Power averaged SPL over the Operating Range with an input voltage that would produce 1 W at the nominal impedance; measured with no external processing on thegeometric axis, referenced to 1 m.15. Nominal Impedance: Selected 4, 8, or 16 ohm resistance such that the minimum impedance point is no more than 20% below this resistance over the Operating Range.16. Accelerated Life Test: Maximum test input voltage applied with an EIA-426B defined spectrum; measured with recommended signal processing and Recommended Protection Filter.17. Calculated Axial Output Limit: Highest average and peak SPLs possible during the Accelerated Life Test. The Peak SPL represents the 2:1 (6 dB) crest factor of the Life Test signal.18. High Pass Filter: This helps protect the loudspeaker from excessive input signal levels at frequencies below the Operating Range.GRAPHIC DATA1. Resolution: To remove insignificant fine details, 1/12 octave cepstral smoothing was applied to acoustic frequency responses and 1/3 octave cepstral smoothing was applied to thebeamwidth and impedance data. Other graphs are plotted using raw data.2. Frequency Responses: Variation in acoustic output level with frequency for a constant input signal. Processed: normalized to 0 dB SPL. Unprocessed inputs: 2 V (4 ohm nominal impedance),2.83 V (8 ohm nominal impedance), or 4 V (16 ohm nominal impedance) referenced to a distance of 1 m.3. Processor Response: The variation in output level with frequency for a constant input signal of 0.775 V = 0 dB reference.4. Beamwidth: Average angle for each 1/3 octave frequency band where, starting from the rear of the loudspeaker, the output first reaches -6 dB SPL referenced to 0 dB SPL as the highestlevel. This method means the output may drop below -6 dB SPL within the beamwidth angle.5. Impedance: Variation in impedance magnitude, in ohms, with frequency without regard to voltage/current phase. This means the impedance values may notbe used to calculate True Watts (see 9 above).6. Polar Data: Horizontal and vertical polar responses for each 1/3 octave frequency band 100 Hz to 16 kHz or Operating Range.AMP2-Way, Single-Amp (LF/HF)XVRLFHFHPFSIGNAL DIAGRAMLEGENDDSP: User-supplied Digital Signal Processor.HPF: High Pass Filter for crossover or Recommended High Pass Filter.LPF: Low Pass Filter for crossover.LF/MF/HF: Low Frequency / Mid Frequency / High Frequency.AMP: User-supplied Power Amplifier.XVR: Passive LPFs, HPFs, and EQ integral to the loudspeaker. |
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