QRV 9100 (PDF FORMAT) 5© Copyright Eaton Corp. 2006, All Rights reserved.3.0 MAINTENANCEBefore performing any work, read this manualand study all figures. Assure yourself that youunderstand and can do what is required ineach step. Failure to follow these instructionsmay affect quick release valve operation andmay result in personal injury.Two quick release valve replacement kits areavailable for valve rebuilding. An end cap/dia-phragm kit is available for valves not havingmufflers, and contains an end cap, diaphragmand tube of Loctite® #222. An end cap/dia-phragm/muffler kit contains all of the abovealong with a muffler. It is advisable to stock atleast one spare quick release valve for eachsize used in an installation.The quick release valve should be periodicallychecked for proper functioning. If the valve failsto seal, it should be inspected internally. Usuallyforeign material will be found which has beencarried through the piping. If a valve becomesineffective after prolonged service, it can berestored to good operating condition by rebuild-ing.3.1 Valve and Diaphragm ServiceBefore performing any work on the valve, setand block the machine or equipment in asecure position; close the air shutoff valveand exhaust all air from the air lines; and dis-connect all electrical power in order to pre-vent personal injury and/or equipmentdamage.3.1.1 If the quick release valve exhaust port is positioneddownward, it will be difficult to service the diaphragm.It is recommended that the valve be removed fromthe equipment and bench-serviced.3.1.2 Use a flat faced wrench to unscrew the muffler (ifpresent) and the end cap. The diaphragm may fallout of the housing at this time. Discard the end cap,muffler and diaphragm.Note : The end caps on quick release valves man-ufactured prior to September, 1989, have hex-shaped exhaust ports to accommodate an allenwrench for end cap removal. Refer to Table 5 forthe appropriate wrench size to remove the endcap. Discard after removal.3.1.3 If the diaphragm did not fall out of the housing, gentlypry along its outside diameter, being careful not todamage the sealing surface on the housing.3.1.4 Inspect the diaphragm sealing surface in the housing(shown on figure) If the surface is worn, scratched orcorroded, the entire quick release valve must bereplaced.Figure 4Do not attempt to renew the diaphragm seal-ing surface by sanding or machining.Machining the surface will increase the dia-phragm operating gap and cause the valve tomalfunction.3.1.5 Thoroughly clean the inside of the housing and theinternal threads in the housing.Table 5:End Cap Allen Wrench SizeQRV Size Width Across Flats3/8 1/2”1/23/4”3/41 N/A