6 614-09954-02ENglIShOperating conditionsl This product is an UninterruptiblePower Supply (UPS) for computersand their peripherals, televisionsets, stereo systems and videorecorders... It must not be used tosupply other electrical equipment(lighting, heating, householdappliances, etc.).UPS connectionsl Connect the UPS 1 to theAC-power system via a wall outletwith an earth connector, using theattached cord for a UPS with FR/DIN sockets or with the supply cordof your computer for a UPS withIEC sockets (see figure A).l Plug critical equipment(computer, monitor, modem,etc.) into the outlets 6 providingbattery backup power and surgeprotection (see figure B), takingcare not to exceed the rated currentindicated in amperes.l Other devices (printer, scanner,fax, etc.) can be connect to thefiltered outlets 5 that providesurge protection (see figure B). Thefiltered outlets are not backed upby battery power in the event of apower outage.l Optional Internet modem /Network connection:A modem or Ethernet data linecan be protected against surges byconnecting it via the UPS. Connectthe existing device cable betweenthe wall outlet and the UPS, anduse a similar cable between theUPS and the device, as indicated infigure C (cable not supplied).l Optional USB connection:The UPS devices can be connectedto the computer using the USBcable 4 supplied.l Download PersonnalSolution-Pac software atpowerquality.eaton.com.l Register warranty atpowerquality.eaton.com.l Battery charge: The UPScharges the battery as soon as it isconnected to the AC outlet, whetherbutton 8 is pressed or not. Whenused for the first time, the batterywill only provide its maximumautonomy after it has been chargedfor 8 hours. It is recommended thatthe UPS be permanently connectedto the AC power supply to ensurethe best possible autonomy.l Switching-on the UPS: pressbutton 8 for about 1 second.l Filtered outlets 5 withoutbattery backup: Equipmentconnected to these outlets issupplied as soon as the AC cord isplugged in. They are not affected bybutton 8 .l Battery backup outlets 6 :Equipment connected to theseoutlets is supplied as soon asbutton 8 turns green (see figureE). These outlets can be turned oneven if the UPS is not connected toAC power (button 8 flashes).l AC-power disturbance: If ACpower is disturbed or fails, the UPScontinues to operate on batterypower. Button 8 flashes green.In normal mode, the audio alarmbeeps every five seconds, thenevery two seconds when the end ofbattery backup time is near.l If the power outage lasts longerthan the battery backup time, theUPS shuts down and automaticallyrestarts when power is restored.Following a complete discharge, afew hours are required to rechargethe battery back to full backup time.l To save battery power, it ispossible to press button 8 to cutthe supply of power to the devicesconnected to the battery backupoutlets.l Lightning protection: All outlets,whether backed up or simplyfiltered, include surge protection,whatever the position of button 8 .l Shutdown of the battery backupoutlets 6 : Press button 8 formore than two seconds.Battery disposal and safetyl Caution. Battery service life isreduced by 50 % for every tendegrees above 25 °C.l The battery elements must bereplaced exclusively by qualifiedpersonnel (risk of electrocution),with new elements approved byEATON to ensure correct operationof the UPS.l The battery must be disposedof in accordance with applicableregulations. To remove the batteryelements, shut down the UPS(button 8 OFF), remove the powercord and proceed as indicated inpage 4 "Battery change".65987Operation5 : Filtered outlets.6 : Battery backup outlets.7 : LED ON indicate a UPS fault.8 : ON/OFF button for the batterybackup outlets.9 : Protection circuit breaker.